Dear All,
We are at the end of yet another year, and without a doubt, 2022 has been a year of remarkable progress and exciting growth for the University. I am very proud and delighted at what we have achieved this year, and I believe that, certainly, 2022 has set the tone for even more success as we enter the new year. Following the turbulence we experienced throughout most of 2020 and the majority of 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we showed wonderful resilience as an institution to gradually return to normality this year.
After moving almost all tuition back to face-to-face mode, we successfully conducted yet another fully physical examination period for our undergraduate students. The success of this exercise was due in no small part to the efforts of all involved and I was particularly happy to note that there were no major challenges along the way.
This year, we have also placed a major emphasis on the enhancement of the student experience, and in this regard, we have signed a number of MOUs with the aim of producing graduates who are highly trained in both theoretical and practical application.
2022 has also seen some major infrastructural development on the main campus and I am pleased to see that the University is beginning to take on a fresh, new and modernized look. We look forward in eager anticipation to seeing the completion of the new gatehouse as well as other exciting new developments in 2023.
I am also pleased to mention that Vision 20 by 30, which aims to realize my vision of having 20 new Professors by 2030, is well underway, with the confirmation of 7 new Professors earlier this year. This is great news and certainly augurs well for the University as we continue to establish ourselves in the public tertiary education space.
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all of you, your efforts have played a major part in ensuring that this year has been another successful one and I must commend you all for your hard work and dedication. I encourage you all to continue in the same vein in 2023; your contributions to the fulfilment of our strategic objectives are massively important.
GCTU is set on a path for greatness and I entreat you all to bear this in mind as we continue to progress towards the fulfilment of our institutional mandate. I firmly believe that each of our individual contributions will collectively enable us to realize the vision of the University. I am exceedingly confident that 2023 will be a year of tremendous growth and outstanding achievements that will keep GCTU at the forefront of tertiary education in Ghana and the world for many years to come. Management will ensure that GCTU is equipped with the relevant cutting-edge technology, leadership and enterprise culture needed to deliver world class higher education.
As we embark on the Christmas break, I urge you all to stay safe and take the time to rest, recharge and come back completely reinvigorated in the new year.