• Profile

    Professor Hinson is currently the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Ghana Communication Technology University, a Ghanaian public University primarily focussed on the delivery of information technology related courses. Robert has acted as Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic at the University of Kigali and taught at the Ashesi University, University of Ghana, University of the Free State, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration and the Durban University of Technology.

    He has held important University governance roles such as University Rector, Director of Institutional Advancement, Head of Department, Head of Hall, and Coordinator of a Masters Degree Programme. He joined the academia in 2003 as lecturer at the University of Ghana Business School, rising to become a Senior Lecturer in 2005, Associate Professor in 2010, and Professor in 2014.

    He holds honorary professorial positions across several Universities and has been ranked in consecutive years, the leading African marketing scholar by the Alper-Doger Scientific Index Rankings (2021 & 2022) and leading Business and Management Scholar in Ghana, by the same global research ranking.

    Professor Hinson has examined theses of students in a range of Business/Communications/Marketing/Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility areas. His main research interests lie in the academic areas of marketing and communications, information and technology management, service management, and social responsibility and sustainability management.

    He has twenty-five monographs/edited volumes to his credit and over 150 peer-reviewed journal papers/book chapters to his credit. He has taught undergraduate, masters and doctoral level students across Africa. Professor Hinson has worked as an external examiner at the University of Strathmore, University of Education Winneba, University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Development Studies, Cardiff Metropolitan, Islamic University College, University of Zululand, Pentecost University College, Central University of Technology, University of the Free State, North-West University, University of South Africa, and The Da Vinci Institute of Technology Management.

    He has also assessed candidates for promotion from institutions such as the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Methodist University College, Dominion University College, Garden City University College, and the York University in Canada.

    In an advertising and academic career spanning twenty-four years, Professor Hinson has provided marketing, brand communications and service management consulting, training and advisory services to institutions such as the Kenya Export Promotion Council, Canon, Daewoo, Dark and Lovely, Carsons, Golden Tulip, LG, Lone Star Airways, CAL Bank, Lufthansa, Microsoft, Mercedes Benz, Peugeot, Symantec, Steers, Standard Chartered Bank, Enterprise Group, First Atlantic Merchant Bank, Fidelity Group, Golden Beach Hotels, NIB Bank Limited, NTHC, Omni BSIC Bank, Petra Trust, Ghana Airports Company Limited, Secure Pension Trust Limited, Access Bank Ghana Limited, Ecobank, Vanguard Life Company Limited, Beige Capital, Prudential Bank, Ghana Stock Exchange, Bank of Africa, Barclays Bank, Star Assurance Company Limited, Zenith Bank, Provident Life Company Limited, Bank of Ghana, DANIDA, USAID, EU APC, Acer, SG-SSB, Standard Chartered Bank, Ghana and National Information Technology Authority (NITA), HFC Bank, Omni BSIC, Petra Company Limited, National Information Technology Authority (NITA), Ghana Oil Company Limited (GOIL) and the Ghana Commercial Bank.

    Professor Hinson sits on the advisory board of the Commercial and Allied Service Cluster of the Jospong Group of Companies (comprising Ignite Media Group, AH Hotel, Appointed Time Press) and other boards including those of Camelot Company Limited, Edifund, and the Africa Environmental Sanitation Consult.

  • Publications

    1 Coffie, S., Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Bosah, G., & Anani-Bossman, A. (2022). Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies: Conclusions and Recommendations. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II (pp. 277-296). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    2 Coffie, I. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Market Orientation in the Public Sector: The Perspective from an Emerging Economy. In New Public Management in Africa (pp. 17-45). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    3 Effah, E. A., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Green Brand Equity in an Emerging Economy: Ghana in Perspective. In Green Marketing in Emerging Economies (pp. 193-224). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    4 Elliot, E. A., Hinson, R. E., Annan, A., & Eppler, M. J. (2022). Digital Channels Catalysing Businesses in Fast-Expanding African Markets. In Digital Service Delivery in Africa (pp. 17-51). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    5 Mogaji, E., Adeola, O., Adisa, I., Hinson, R. E., Mukonza, C., & Kirgiz, A. C. (2022). Green Marketing in Emerging Economies: Communication and Brand Perspective: An Introduction. In Green Marketing in Emerging Economies (pp. 1-16). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    6 Mogaji, E., Jain, V., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Reimagining Educational Futures in Developing Countries: An Introduction. In Re-imagining Educational Futures in Developing Countries (pp. 3-14). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    7 Adeola, O., Edeh, J. N., Hinson, R. E., & Netswera, F. (2022). Digital Service Delivery in Africa: An Introduction. In Digital Service Delivery in Africa (pp. 3-16). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    8 Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Coffie, S., Bosah, G., & Abdul-Hamid, I. K. (2022). Introduction to Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Evidence. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II (pp. 1-9). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    9 Boateng, H., Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Kosiba, J. P. B., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Exploring Drivers of Performance in Advertising Firms in Ghana: A Perspective of Attribution Theory. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II (pp. 175-198). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    10 Hinson, R. E., Madichie, N., Adeola, O., Nyigmah Bawole, J., Adisa, I., & Asamoah, K. (2022). The New Public Management and the Way Forward in Africa. In New Public Management in Africa (pp. 317-326). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    11 Hinson, R. E., Madichie, N., Adeola, O., Nyigmah Bawole, J., Adisa, I., & Asamoah, K. (2022). New Public Management in Africa: An Introduction. In New Public Management in Africa (pp. 1-15). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    12 Hinson, R. E., & Tettey, L. N. (2022). Banking the Cocoa Farmer in Ghana: The Role of Mobile Technology. In Digital Service Delivery in Africa (pp. 187-203). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    13 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). The African Creative Industry in a Free Trade Area. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    14 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Value Co-creation of Places and Spaces in Africa’s Creative Hubs. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    15 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). The Future of Africa’s Creative Industries. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    16 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Africa in the Age of Digitalisation. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    17 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Country Level Case Studies. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    18 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Re-engaging with Europe and the Commonwealth in a Post-Brexit Era. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    19 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). The Legal Landscape and Challenges. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    20 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Introduction to the Landscape of Creative Industries in Africa. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    21 Twum, K. K., Kosiba, J. P. B., Hinson, R. E., Gabrah, A. Y. B., & Assabil, E. N. (2022). Determining mobile money service customer satisfaction and continuance usage through service quality. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 1-13.
    22 Boadi, E. A., He, Z., Antwi, C. O., Altab, H. M., Bosompem, J., Hinson, R. E., & Boadi, V. A. (2022). Value co-creation and employee service behaviours: The moderating role of trust in employee-hotel relationship. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66, 102898.
    23 Ibrahim, M., Hinson, R. E., & Stephen, A. (2022). Exploring Consumers' Intention to Adopt Mobile Payment Systems in Ghana. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 14(1), 1-16.
    24 Oppong, E., Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Muritala, O., & Kosiba, J. P. (2021). The effect of mobile health service quality on user satisfaction and continual usage. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(1-2), 177-198.
    25 Abubakari, A., Ofori, K. S., Boateng, H., N’Da, K., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). The effect of foreign market knowledge on SME export performance: a study of non-traditional SMEs in Ghana. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication.

    26 Ayentimi, D. T., Hinson, R. E., & Burgess, J. (2021). Cultivating social capital: an exploratory analysis of business postgraduates in Ghana. Education+ Training, 63 (9), 1225-1241.
    27 Boateng, H., Ampong, G. O. A., Adam, D. R., Ofori, K. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). The relationship between social interactions, trust, business network, external knowledge access, and performance: A study of SMEs in Ghana. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems.
    28 Hinson, R. E., Hein, W., Tettey, L. N., Nartey, B. A., Harant, A., Struck, N. S., & Fobil, J. N. (2021). Critical prerequisites for Covid‐19 vaccine acceleration: A developing economy perspective. Journal of Public Affairs, e2723.
    29 Mogaji, E., Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., Nguyen, N. P., Nwoba, A. C., & Soetan, T. O. (2021). Marketing bank services to financially vulnerable customers: evidence from an emerging economy. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39 (2), 402-428.
    30 Mohammed, I., Mahmoud, M. A., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). The effect of brand heritage in tourists' intention to revisit. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.
    31 Mogaji, E., Hinson, R. E., Nwoba, A. C., & Nguyen, N. P. (2021). Corporate social responsibility for women's empowerment: a study on Nigerian banks. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39 (4), 516-540.
    32 Mukonza, C., Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Adisa, I., Mogaji, E., & Kirgiz, A. C. (2021). Green Marketing: An Introduction. In Green Marketing in Emerging Markets (pp. 3-14). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    33 Ngoasong, M. Z., Kimbu, A. N., Adeola, O., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). Introduction: New Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Management in Africa. In New Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Management in Africa (pp. 1-14). Springer, Cham
    34 Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Boateng, H., Anani-Bossman, A., Kirgiz, A. C., & Gujral, M. (2021). Introduction to Marketing Communications: Setting the Scene for Emerging Economies. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 1-11). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    35 Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Boateng, H., Anani-Bossman, A., Kirgiz, A. C., & Gujral, M. (2021). Conclusion and Way Forward for Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 293-296). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    36 Azumah, D. M. Y., Hinson, R. E., Nukpezah, D., & Yiran, G. A. B. (2021). Visual Pollution Through Excessive Outdoor Advertisements. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 193-228). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    37 Coffie, I. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). Types of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives as Response to COVID-19 Pandemic in Emerging Economies. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 161-192). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    38 Effah, E. A., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). Sustainability Marketing and African University Brands: The Case of the University of Ghana. In Marketing Brands in Africa (pp. 53-81). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    39 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., & Adisa, I. (2021). Conclusion and Implications for Theoretical Adoption, Policy Formulation and Managerial Decision-Making in Emerging Markets. In Green Marketing and Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 169-177). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    40 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., & Adisa, I. (2021). Introduction: Green Marketing and Management in Emerging Markets—Achieving Success Through People. In Green Marketing and Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 3-11). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    41 Adae, E. K., Kosiba, J. P. B., Hinson, R. E., Twum, K. K., Newman, N., & Nutsugah, F. F. (2021). An Introduction to Responsible Management: A Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Marketing, and Sustainability Management Perspective. In Responsible Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 1-34). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    42 Blankson, C., Iyer, P., Owusu-Frimpong, N., Nwankwo, S., & Hinson, R. (2020). Positioning strategies of foreign and indigenous firms in an African cultural milieu. Journal of Business Research, 119, 627-638.
    43 Boateng, H., Visnupriyan, R., Ofori, K. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Examining the link between social capital, knowledge quality, SMEs innovativeness and performance. Business Information Review, 37(4), 167-175.
    44 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Amankwah-Amoah, J., & Adomako, S. (2020). Multinational enterprises' subsidiary initiative-taking: a model for implementing corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 3(2), 153-170.
    45 Hinson, R. E., Osabutey, E., Kosiba, J. P., & Asiedu, F. O. (2020). Internationalisation and branding strategy: A case of the English Premier League’s success in an emerging market. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 23 (4), 747-766.
    46 Kosiba, J. P., Acheampong, A., Adeola, O., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). The moderating role of demographic variables on customer expectations in airport retail patronage intentions of travellers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102033.
    47 Kosiba, J. P., Boateng, H., Okoe, A. F., & Hinson, R. (2020). Trust and customer engagement in the banking sector in Ghana. The Service Industries Journal, 40(13-14), 960-973.
    48 Twum, K. K., Kosiba, J. P., Abdul-Hamid, I. K., & Hinson, R. (2020). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Enhance Political Marketing? Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 1-31.
    49 Xiao, W., Opata, C. N., Tetteh, S., John Narh, T. W., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Value co-creation effects on transaction cost, relational capital, and loyalty of hair salon customers: Results and implications of a Ghanaian study. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 30(3), 217-224.
    50 Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Evans, O. (2020). Social media in marketing communications: A synthesis of successful strategies for the digital generation. In Digital Transformation in Business and Society (pp. 61-81). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    51 Avornyo, F., Mahmoud, M. A., Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Boateng, R. (2020). Social Media Technologies and Export Marketing. In Digital Transformation in Business and Society (pp. 83-102). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    52 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Lituchy, T. R., & Amartey, A. F. O. (2020). Introduction to Customer Service Management in Africa: A Strategic and Operational Perspective. In Customer Service Management in Africa (pp. 1-7). Productivity Press.
    53 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Conclusion: Emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice, and policy on marketing and brand communications of higher education institutions in Africa. In Strategic Marketing of Higher Education in Africa (pp. 238-249). Routledge.
    54 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Exploring factors influencing student choice in Africa: introduction to edited collection. In Higher Education Marketing in Africa (pp. 3-13). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    55 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Introduction: Higher education strategic marketing and brand communications in Africa. In Strategic Marketing of Higher Education in Africa (pp. 1-8). Routledge.
    56 Hinson, R. E., & Mogaji, E. (2020). Co-creation of value by universities and prospective students: towards an informed decision-making process. In Higher Education Marketing in Africa (pp. 17-46). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    57 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Student university choice making in Africa: emerging challenges, opportunities and agenda for research, practice, and policy. In Higher Education Marketing in Africa (pp. 397-413). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    58 Osabutey, E. L., Hinson, R. E., & Adeola, O. (2020). Potential symbiotic Sino-African relations and policymaking: Underexplored, under-researched or clearly misunderstood? In Chinese Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 53-73). Routledge.
    59 Hinson R., Lensink R. Mueller A. (2019), “Transforming agribusiness in developing countries: SDGs and the role of FinTech” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Vol. 41, pp. 1-9
    60 Hinson, R., Kosiba, J., Boateng, H., Odoom, R. and Gyampo, R. (2019), "Dialogic features of brand South Africa’s website and tourists’ intentions to visit", European Business Review, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 569-584.
    61 Hinson, R., Boateng, H., Renner, A. and Kosiba, J. (2019), "Antecedents and consequences of customer engagement on Facebook: An attachment theory perspective",
    1 1. Twum, K. K., Kosiba, J. P. B., Hinson, R. E., Gabrah, A. Y. B., & Assabil, E. N. (2022). Determining mobile money service customer satisfaction and continuance usage through service quality. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 1-13.
    2 Boadi, E. A., He, Z., Antwi, C. O., Altab, H. M., Bosompem, J., Hinson, R. E., & Boadi, V. A. (2022). Value co-creation and employee service behaviours: The moderating role of trust in employee-hotel relationship. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66, 102898.
    3 Ibrahim, M., Hinson, R. E., & Stephen, A. (2022). Exploring Consumers' Intention to Adopt Mobile Payment Systems in Ghana. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 14(1), 1-16.
    4 Oppong, E., Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Muritala, O., & Kosiba, J. P. (2021). The effect of mobile health service quality on user satisfaction and continual usage. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(1-2), 177-198.
    5 Abubakari, A., Ofori, K. S., Boateng, H., N’Da, K., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). The effect of foreign market knowledge on SME export performance: a study of non-traditional SMEs in Ghana. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication.
    6 Ayentimi, D. T., Hinson, R. E., & Burgess, J. (2021). Cultivating social capital: an exploratory analysis of business postgraduates in Ghana. Education+ Training, 63 (9), 1225-1241.
    7 Boateng, H., Ampong, G. O. A., Adam, D. R., Ofori, K. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). The relationship between social interactions, trust, business network, external knowledge access, and performance: A study of SMEs in Ghana. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems.
    8 Hinson, R. E., Hein, W., Tettey, L. N., Nartey, B. A., Harant, A., Struck, N. S., & Fobil, J. N. (2021). Critical prerequisites for Covid‐19 vaccine acceleration: A developing economy perspective. Journal of Public Affairs, e2723.
    9 Mogaji, E., Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., Nguyen, N. P., Nwoba, A. C., & Soetan, T. O. (2021). Marketing bank services to financially vulnerable customers: evidence from an emerging economy. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39 (2), 402-428.
    10 Mohammed, I., Mahmoud, M. A., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). The effect of brand heritage in tourists' intention to revisit. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.
    11 Blankson, C., Iyer, P., Owusu-Frimpong, N., Nwankwo, S., & Hinson, R. (2020). Positioning strategies of foreign and indigenous firms in an African cultural milieu. Journal of Business Research, 119, 627-638.
    12 Boateng, H., Visnupriyan, R., Ofori, K. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Examining the link between social capital, knowledge quality, SMEs innovativeness and performance. Business Information Review, 37(4), 167-175.
    13 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Amankwah-Amoah, J., & Adomako, S. (2020). Multinational enterprises' subsidiary initiative-taking: a model for implementing corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 3(2), 153-170.
    14 Hinson, R. E., Osabutey, E., Kosiba, J. P., & Asiedu, F. O. (2020). Internationalisation and branding strategy: A case of the English Premier League’s success in an emerging market. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 23 (4), 747-766.
    15 Kosiba, J. P., Acheampong, A., Adeola, O., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). The moderating role of demographic variables on customer expectations in airport retail patronage intentions of travellers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102033.
    16 Kosiba, J. P., Boateng, H., Okoe, A. F., & Hinson, R. (2020). Trust and customer engagement in the banking sector in Ghana. The Service Industries Journal, 40(13-14), 960-973.
    17 Mogaji, E., Hinson, R. E., Nwoba, A. C., & Nguyen, N. P. (2021). Corporate social responsibility for women's empowerment: a study on Nigerian banks. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39 (4), 516-540.
    18 Twum, K. K., Kosiba, J. P., Abdul-Hamid, I. K., & Hinson, R. (2020). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Enhance Political Marketing? Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 1-31.
    19 Xiao, W., Opata, C. N., Tetteh, S., John Narh, T. W., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Value co-creation effects on transaction cost, relational capital, and loyalty of hair salon customers: Results and implications of a Ghanaian study. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 30(3), 217-224.
    20 Hinson R., Lensink R. Mueller A. (2019), “Transforming agribusiness in developing countries: SDGs and the role of FinTech” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Vol. 41, pp. 1-9
    21 Hinson, R., Kosiba, J., Boateng, H., Odoom, R. and Gyampo, R. (2019), "Dialogic features of brand South Africa’s website and tourists’ intentions to visit", European Business Review, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 569-584.
    22 Hinson, R., Boateng, H., Renner, A. and Kosiba, J. (2019), "Antecedents and consequences of customer engagement on Facebook: An attachment theory perspective", Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 204-226
    1 Coffie, S., Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Bosah, G., & Anani-Bossman, A. (2022). Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies: Conclusions and Recommendations. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II (pp. 277-296). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    2 Coffie, I. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Market Orientation in the Public Sector: The Perspective from an Emerging Economy. In New Public Management in Africa (pp. 17-45). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    3 Effah, E. A., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Green Brand Equity in an Emerging Economy: Ghana in Perspective. In Green Marketing in Emerging Economies (pp. 193-224). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    4 Elliot, E. A., Hinson, R. E., Annan, A., & Eppler, M. J. (2022). Digital Channels Catalysing Businesses in Fast-Expanding African Markets. In Digital Service Delivery in Africa (pp. 17-51). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    5 Mogaji, E., Adeola, O., Adisa, I., Hinson, R. E., Mukonza, C., & Kirgiz, A. C. (2022). Green Marketing in Emerging Economies: Communication and Brand Perspective: An Introduction. In Green Marketing in Emerging Economies (pp. 1-16). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    6 Mogaji, E., Jain, V., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Reimagining Educational Futures in Developing Countries: An Introduction. In Re-imagining Educational Futures in Developing Countries (pp. 3-14). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    7 Adeola, O., Edeh, J. N., Hinson, R. E., & Netswera, F. (2022). Digital Service Delivery in Africa: An Introduction. In Digital Service Delivery in Africa (pp. 3-16). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    8 Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Coffie, S., Bosah, G., & Abdul-Hamid, I. K. (2022). Introduction to Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Evidence. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II (pp. 1-9). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    9 Boateng, H., Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Kosiba, J. P. B., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Exploring Drivers of Performance in Advertising Firms in Ghana: A Perspective of Attribution Theory. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II (pp. 175-198). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    10 Hinson, R. E., Madichie, N., Adeola, O., Nyigmah Bawole, J., Adisa, I., & Asamoah, K. (2022). The New Public Management and the Way Forward in Africa. In New Public Management in Africa (pp. 317-326). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    11 Hinson, R. E., Madichie, N., Adeola, O., Nyigmah Bawole, J., Adisa, I., & Asamoah, K. (2022). New Public Management in Africa: An Introduction. In New Public Management in Africa (pp. 1-15). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    12 Hinson, R. E., & Tettey, L. N. (2022). Banking the Cocoa Farmer in Ghana: The Role of Mobile Technology. In Digital Service Delivery in Africa (pp. 187-203). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    13 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). The African Creative Industry in a Free Trade Area. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    14 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Value Co-creation of Places and Spaces in Africa’s Creative Hubs. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    15 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). The Future of Africa’s Creative Industries. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    16 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Africa in the Age of Digitalisation. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    17 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Country Level Case Studies. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    18 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Re-engaging with Europe and the Commonwealth in a Post-Brexit Era. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    19 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). The Legal Landscape and Challenges. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    20 Madichie, N. O., & Hinson, R. E. (2022). Introduction to the Landscape of Creative Industries in Africa. In The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    21 Mukonza, C., Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Adisa, I., Mogaji, E., & Kirgiz, A. C. (2021). Green Marketing: An Introduction. In Green Marketing in Emerging Markets (pp. 3-14). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    22 Ngoasong, M. Z., Kimbu, A. N., Adeola, O., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). Introduction: New Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Management in Africa. In New Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Management in Africa (pp. 1-14). Springer, Cham
    23 Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Boateng, H., Anani-Bossman, A., Kirgiz, A. C., & Gujral, M. (2021). Introduction to Marketing Communications: Setting the Scene for Emerging Economies. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 1-11). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    24 Anning-Dorson, T., Hinson, R. E., Boateng, H., Anani-Bossman, A., Kirgiz, A. C., & Gujral, M. (2021). Conclusion and Way Forward for Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 293-296). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    25 Azumah, D. M. Y., Hinson, R. E., Nukpezah, D., & Yiran, G. A. B. (2021). Visual Pollution Through Excessive Outdoor Advertisements. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 193-228). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    26 Coffie, I. S., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). Types of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives as Response to COVID-19 Pandemic in Emerging Economies. In Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I (pp. 161-192). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    27 Effah, E. A., & Hinson, R. E. (2021). Sustainability Marketing and African University Brands: The Case of the University of Ghana. In Marketing Brands in Africa (pp. 53-81). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    28 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., & Adisa, I. (2021). Conclusion and Implications for Theoretical Adoption, Policy Formulation and Managerial Decision-Making in Emerging Markets. In Green Marketing and Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 169-177). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    29 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., & Adisa, I. (2021). Introduction: Green Marketing and Management in Emerging Markets—Achieving Success Through People. In Green Marketing and Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 3-11). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    30 Adae, E. K., Kosiba, J. P. B., Hinson, R. E., Twum, K. K., Newman, N., & Nutsugah, F. F. (2021). An Introduction to Responsible Management: A Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Marketing, and Sustainability Management Perspective. In Responsible Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 1-34). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    31 Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Evans, O. (2020). Social media in marketing communications: A synthesis of successful strategies for the digital generation. In Digital Transformation in Business and Society (pp. 61-81). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    32 Avornyo, F., Mahmoud, M. A., Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Boateng, R. (2020). Social Media Technologies and Export Marketing. In Digital Transformation in Business and Society (pp. 83-102). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    33 Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Lituchy, T. R., & Amartey, A. F. O. (2020). Introduction to Customer Service Management in Africa: A Strategic and Operational Perspective. In Customer Service Management in Africa (pp. 1-7). Productivity Press.
    34 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Conclusion: Emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice, and policy on marketing and brand communications of higher education institutions in Africa. In Strategic Marketing of Higher Education in Africa (pp. 238-249). Routledge.
    35 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Exploring factors influencing student choice in Africa: introduction to edited collection. In Higher Education Marketing in Africa (pp. 3-13). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    36 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Introduction: Higher education strategic marketing and brand communications in Africa. In Strategic Marketing of Higher Education in Africa (pp. 1-8). Routledge.
    37 Hinson, R. E., & Mogaji, E. (2020). Co-creation of value by universities and prospective students: towards an informed decision-making process. In Higher Education Marketing in Africa (pp. 17-46). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    38 Mogaji, E., Maringe, F., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Student university choice making in Africa: emerging challenges, opportunities and agenda for research, practice, and policy. In Higher Education Marketing in Africa (pp. 397-413). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    39 Osabutey, E. L., Hinson, R. E., & Adeola, O. (2020). Potential symbiotic Sino-African relations and policymaking: Underexplored, under-researched or clearly misunderstood? In Chinese Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 53-73). Routledge.
    1 Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Hinson, R.E., Mahmoud, M. A. and Tweneboah-Koduah, E. Y. (2019). The Contribution of Sustainable Technology to the Relationship between Sustainability Market Orientation and Hotel Performance. The Academy of Marketing Doctoral Colloquium 2019, Academy of Marketing Conference 2019, Regent’s University London, 1-4 July 2019.
    2 Hinson, R.E., Renner, A., Kosiba, J. P., Adeola, O., & Madichie, N. O., (2018). Investigating the dialogic potential of Botswana Trade and Investment Centre website in boosting foreign direct investment. A paper presented at the 7th Society for Global Business and Economic Development International Research Symposium, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    3 Glavee-Geo, R., Shaikh, A. A., Karjaluoto, H., & Hinson, R. E. (2018). Examining consumer mobile money usage behaviour in Ghana. A paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Electronic Business, Guilin, China
    4 Kosiba, J. P., Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Muritala, O. (2018). Influence of Facebook usage on organisational performance: The pivotal role of social capital and salesperson extra role behaviour. A paper presented at the 11th MB Academy International Business and Management Conference, Barcelona, Spain
    5 Ocran, A. V., Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Achi, A. E. (2018). Exploring tourists’ impressions of Ghana’s destination image. A paper presented at the 11th MB Academy International Business and Management Conference, Barcelona, Spain. (BEST PAPER AWARD)
    6 Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Hinson, R.E., Mahmoud, M. A. & Tweneboah-Koduah, E. Y. (2018). Sustainability marketing practices: A comparison of MNE and local banks in Ghana. A paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter, the University of Kigali, Rwanda
    7 Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Hinson, R.E., Mahmoud, M. A. & Tweneboah-Koduah, E. Y. (2018). Sustainability market orientation: Alternative strategic orientation. A paper presented at the MBALI 2018, uMfolozi Casino, Empangeni, KwaZulu Natal, University of Zululand, South Africa
    8 Shaikh, A. A., Glavee-Geo, R., Hinson, R. E., & Karjaluoto, H. (2018). Consumer engagement - Conceptualisation and empirical evidence from mobile money services in Ghana. A paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Madeira, Portugal.
    9 Adeola, O., Muritala, O., Hinson, R. E & Ehira, D. (2018). Social network influence on mobile money adoption: Evidence from Sub-Sahara Africa. A paper presented at the Global Innovation & Knowledge Academy (GIKA), Valencia, Spain
    10 Adeola, O., Muritala, O., Hinson, R. E, & Foroudi, P. (2018). Mobile technology adoption and firms’ characteristics in sub-Sahara Africa. A paper presented at the Marketing Strategy & Policy (MSP) 2018 Conference, Newcastle University, London
    11 Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Hinson, R. E., Mahmoud, M. A., & Yaw, E. (2018). Is sustainability market orientation a replacement to market orientation? A paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues ICCMI, Athens, Greece
    12 Abdul-Hamid, I.K., Hinson, R.E., Mahmoud, A.M., & Tweneboah-Koduah, E.Y. (2017). Exploring sustainability marketing practices in the banking industry. A paper presented at the Dialogue on Sustainability and Environmental Management. IEES, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.
    13 Abdul-Hamid, I.K., Hinson, R. E., Mahmoud, A. M. & Tweneboah-Koduah, E.Y. (2017). Sustainability marketing: The 7Ps perspectives. A paper presented at 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    14 Abdul-Hamid, I.K. & Hinson, R.E. (2016). Investigating market orientation and positioning in Ghana’s hotel sector. A paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Heraklion, Greece
    15 Kamkam, W.A., Mensah, K., Hinson, R.E., Mahmoud, M. A., & Abdul-Hamid, I.K (2016). Factors influencing social media utilisation in the Ghanaian Hotel Industry. A paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Heraklion, Greece
    16 Kakra, T., Avornyo, F., Van Zyl, H., & Hinson, R. E. (2016). Export marketing strategy as a firm-level determinant of export performance of Ghanaian small and medium enterprises. A paper presented at the 6th Aalborg University Conference, Aalborg, Denmark
    17 Hinson, R. E., Abdul-Hamid, I. K. & Van Zyl, H. (2016). The complementary effect of market orientation and positioning on hotel performance. A paper presented at MBALI 2016, Richards Bay, University of Zululand, South Africa.
    18 Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Avornyo, F., Hinson, R., & Kuada, J. (2016). Facilitating export marketing via websites: The case of the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA). A paper presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter. Lagos Business School, Nigeria
    19 Avornyo F., Abdul-Hamid, I. K., Hinson, R., Kuada J., & Asante F. A. (2016). Corporate social responsibility in Ghana: Themes, empirical evidence, and gaps for future international business research. A paper presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter. Lagos Business School, Nigeria

  • Qualifications (Education)

    2014 PhD (International Business) Aalborg University (Denmark)
    2012 DPhil (Marketing) University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
    2002 PG-Diploma (Marketing ) CIM (United Kingdom)
    2001 MBA (Marketing) University of Ghana
    1998 BSc. Admin (Marketing) University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana

  • Professional Training

  • Positions Held/Served

    May, 2022- Present Pro Vice-Chancellor, Ghana Communication Technology University
    January 2022 – February 2022 Interim Vice Chancellor (University of Kigali)
    September 2021 Deputy Vice Chancellor - Academic (University of Kigali)
    2016 -2021 Chair, University of Ghana Rebranding and Marketing Team
    2016 -2020 Member, University of Ghana Rankings Team
    2018 – 2021 Head, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship (University of Ghana)
    2008 – 2012 Head, Department of Marketing and Customer Management (University of Ghana)
    2017 - 2018 Coordinator, MSc. International Business Degree Programme (University of Ghana)
    November 2019 - August 2021 Acting Director, Institutional Advancement (University of Ghana )
    October 2018 – November 2018 Acting Dean (University of Ghana Business School)
    August 2018 – October 2018 Rector (Perez University College)
    2013 - 2016 Acting Head, Hilla Limann Hall. (University of Ghana)
    2012 – 2014 Member, University of Ghana Finance Committee
    2010 – 2014 Member, University of Ghana Board of Graduate Studies

  • Areas of Expertise/Research

  • Conference/Seminars/Workshops

  • Honours/Awards

    2021& 2022 #1 Marketing Scholar in Africa (AD Scientific Index Ranking)
    2021& 2022 #1 Business and Management Scholar in Ghana (AD Scientific Index Ranking)
    2021& 2022 Member, University of Ghana Rankings Team (The Conversation Africa)
    2020 West Africa Science Communication Award
    2019 Top 100 Speaker in Ghana (Speakers Bureau Africa)
    2018 Best Paper Award (11th MB Academy International Business and Management Conference, Spain )
    2010 Best Paper Award (Academy of Marketing Annual Conference)
    2009 Emerati Outstanding Paper Award (Emerald Publishing Limited)
    2008 Best Paper Award (Journal of African Business)
    2007 Emerati Highly Commended Paper Award (Emerald Publishing Limited)

    Fund Raising and Grantsmanship

    Amount Year Project/Funding Agency
    225, 000 USD 2021 Monitoring and evaluation of programs for sickle cell disease (Novartis)
    322,000 GHS (56,000USD) 2020 MTN Consultancy/Research Project (ORID)
    20,000 GHS (3, 440 USD) 2020 Dalex Finance
    20,000 GHS (3,440 USD) 2019 MoneyGram International
    10,000 USD 2018 MoneyGram International
    200,000 USD 2018 Skills Development Fund
    5,000,000 GHS (860,000 USD) 2018 GET Fund Contribution to UG@70 Endowment Fund
    56, 000 GHS (13, 700 USD) 2016 Enterprise Group
    9, 000, 000 DKK (1,300,000 USD) 2015 DANIDA BSU II University of Ghana Capacity Building Grant
    13,000 USD 2014 Novartis Business Skills Training Grant
    2,509,542 DKK (364,000 USD) 2012 DANIDA BSU I Growth and Employment University of Ghana Capacity Building Grant
    36,000 USD 2013 Donations to Hilla Limann Hall - Samsung, Merchant, Unibank, M&K Industries