Introducing our new programme offerings designed to empower the next generation of marketing professionals with cutting-edge skills and knowledge tailored for the digital era. Each programme is carefully designed to meet the evolving demands of the industry, equipping students with advanced marketing training and research capabilities.
Explore our offerings including the MA in E-Business and Marketing Strategy, MPhil in Digital Marketing, MSc in Digital Marketing, and BSc in E-Commerce and Marketing Management.
The MA in E-Business and Marketing Strategy programme is a rigorous one -year programme aimed at providing advanced marketing training to highly qualified degree holders and business executives. MA in E-Business and Marketing Strategy students take courses such as Digital Marketing Research, Digital Marketing Management, Search Engine optimization & Content Creation, Business modeling and innovative science, Digital Social Media Marketing, Research Methods and design thinking
The MPhil in marketing programme is a rigorous two-year programme aimed at providing advanced marketing training to highly qualified degree holders. It is geared towards developing the research capacities of participant students and is positioned as a breeding programme for doctoral candidates in marketing.
The emphasis is research and students spend the entire second year in the programme writing an MPhil Thesis under supervision. MPhil Marketing students take courses such as Digital Marketing Research, Economics and local energies, Digital Marketing Tactics & Trends, Digital Marketing Management, Search Engine optimization & Content Creation, Business modeling and innovative science, Marketing simulations, Research Methods and design thinking.
MSc, Digital Marketing programme unique and one stop shop academic programme with prospects for filling the void for training in Digital and internet marketing career advancement in the business environment. This MSc. Digital Marketing at GCTU has been planned to prepare the graduates to be innovative in their thinking, proactive and results oriented to be able to build an effective customer centred experience including the ability to choose the best digital channels and delivery platforms.
The Programme has been structured to help develop the quality human resource required to meet the current entrepreneurial and technological aspiration and needs of Ghana inResearch, Economics and local energies, Digital Marketing Tactics & Trends, Digital Marketing Management, Search Engine optimization & Content Creation, Business modelling and innovative science, Marketing simulations Sustainability marketing in the digital age.
The aim of the BSc E-Business and Marketing Management programme to develop students who are critically informed, agile and resourceful, with critical understanding of theoretical knowledge, methods and concepts of relevant e-Business and digital technologies required to support business growth in Africa and globally.
The BSc. Administration (E-commerce) Degree Programme will be anchored on the the Problem Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy model. his pedagogical approach will promote the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills.
What Will You Gain?
Digital marketing will enable employers and employees to use digital and technological methods for determining return on investment of Internet marketing programs as well as online customer and buyer behaviour, learn how to develop an Internet marketing strategy and plan with the goal of maximizing the marketing budget of their organisations.
This programme has been planned to prepare the graduates to be innovative in their thinking, proactive and results oriented to be able to build an effective customer centered experience including the ability to choose the best digital channels and delivery platforms.
Upon completion of the Programme students will be employable by international and Ghanaian organizations both public and private, communications and public relations institutions,
NGOs, Development Agencies, Research Institutions and can also pursue higher education leading to teaching in higher educational institutions.
Five reasons you should pursue our Digital marketing programmes
1. According to the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM one of the top 10 emerging jobs for 2022 and beyond is Sales and Marketing Professionals appearing in a great position of top 5. Roles such based on technological innovation, like software and applications developers, and those roles requiring distinctly “human” traits, like sales professionals, are expected to grow in the coming years.
2. Best Careers for the Future (2028+) states that the Best Jobs of the Future 2025 to 2050 is Marketing Professionals (especially market research analysts and marketing specialists) these are the best careers predicted to see the most growth and demand in the near future.
3. Digital Marketing is a highly competitive and rewarding field .
A career in marketing will makes you a strategic and creative problem-solver. Businesses across every industry rely on marketing professionals to generate awareness of their brand and increase sales of their products and services.
4. Marketing is a diverse career choice:
Digital Marketing exposes students to a variety of different subject areas and disciplines such basic business principles, as elements of psychology to understand consumer behaviour. How to acquire marketing and apply skills to developing advertisements, creating websites, writing content, handling marketing and consumer research and leading marketing strategy.
5. Your skills are always in demand:
A degree in marketing ensures that you know how to communicate effectively and think creatively, invaluable skills in today’s job market. Graduates of marketing with strong communication and computer skills have the best career prospects and greater opportunities for career advancement. Marketing students develop critical research, analysis and problem-solving skills that can be applied to marketing careers in sales, advertising, product development and public relations for organisations.
Programme Contact Information
Programme Faculty officer business school / faculty officer graduate school
Head, Department of Marketing
Dr. Emelia Amoako Asiedu
Programme Contact Information
Programme Coordinator
Faculty officer business school / faculty officer graduate school