GCTU E-resources Awareness for students   |   13 MAR   |   1:00pm -2:30pm   |   Virtual ( Zoom)


Student Seminar On Preparation For Exams

Dr. Hannah Acquaye addressing participants at the seminar

The Office of Dean of students in collaboration with the Guidance and Counselling Unit of the Ghana Communication Technology University (GCTU) has organized a seminar for students on how to enhance their examination preparation skills.

The seminar dubbed: Health Alertness & How to Activate Memory was held on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at the Florence Onny Auditorium at the main campus, Tesano.

Participants at the seminar discussing an asignment

In her opening remarks, the Head of Department for Management Studies, GCTU Business School, Prof. Theresa Obuobisa-Darko, who chaired the seminar said that most of the time when students hear of examination, they get scared, and she believed that at the end of the seminar students’ nerves would have been calmed and they would be psychologically ready to write their examinations without fear.

Speaking on the theme at the seminar, Dr. Hannah Acquaye, who is a Counselling Psychologist, from the University of Cape Coast (UCC), said that students may have good or excellence study habit skills but could do with a few tips to help with their preparations toward examinations.

For instance, she said that there are general ways we learn and cited an example of two people sharing a room where one would say, I want to learn with music, but other person just wants total silence. “Psychologists call it individual differences”, she said.

She added that when she is teaching any class, she assumes there are multiple learners there, so she talks little, acts or demonstrates a little, and also shows movies for students to grasp the attention of all.

Dr. Acquaye, classified learners into four categories namely, Visual learners – who need to visualize to remember; Auditory/Oral learners – who want to hear or say it to remember; Read/write learners – who need to write while teaching is going on or talking to others to remember and Kinesthetic learners – who want to practice hands-on to remember.

Miss Victoria Asare, a Doctoral Student, led participants through some exercises.

A second-year Doctoral student in Counselling Psychology at the University of Education Winneba (UEW), Miss Victoria Asare, also made a presentation on Mental Health Alertness & How to Activate Memory. She took students through gaming knowledge, studying habits, how to organize oneself, taking notes, asking questions, what one can do to be mentally alert, how to activate one’s memory, learning one course by transferring to it other areas of studies.

In her closing remarks, Prof. Theresa Obuobisa-Darko, expressed gratitude to the office of the Dean of students and the Counselling Unit of GCTU for organizing such an event and thanked Dr. Hannah Acquaye and the other resource persons for facilitating the seminar successfully and urged the students to utilized what they had acquired judiciously.

A group picture of facilitators and participants at the end of the seminar.