[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Ghana Technology University College (GTUC) has held anorientation programme for fresh students admitted for the 2016/2017 Academic Year (May Intake) into its undergraduate anddiploma programmes to begin their respective programmes ofstudy.As part of the School’s tradition, new students are required toundergo a general orientation exercise to expose them to theoperations, policies, code of ethics, rules and regulations andother related activities on campus. The orientation programmeenables fresh students to become comfortable in their newlearning environment and also introduce them to the University’smission, vision and values.
This year’s May intake orientation was held at the Faculty ofComputing and Information Systems as the fresh studentsadmitted into the University College are all members of thefaculty.The Dean of Faculty of Computing and Information Systems, Dr.Ezer Yeboah Boateng welcomed the freshmen and introducedFaculty and Unit Heads who were present at the meeting. Heexplained the organizational structure of the University Collegeand the channel through which they could have their grievancesaddressed.
He cautioned them to obey all rules and regulationsof the University College, “students should know they have aresponsibility to themselves, their parents and the institution toabide by all rules & regulation and also ensure that they are hereto acquire knowledge for their own development” he stated.The new students also had the opportunity to listen to presentationsand words of advice from some faculty members whotouched on specific issues relating to academic work. Theywere also given the opportunity to ask questions and makeconstructive contributions at the end of each presentation.
Mr. Godfred Arthur, a Level 100 student offering BSc. Computing& Information Systems was very excited about hisprogramme and his new campus, Mr. Arthur indicated hispreparedness to learn very hard to become an ICT expert inGhana.The freshmen toured the various facilities on campus toacquaint themselves with the area. Facilities toured included theCentral Administration Block, the Centre for Online Teachingand Learning (COLT), the library and laboratories.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]