On Wednesday, 29th July, 2020, GCTU said farewell to Dr. Mrs. Juliana Owusu-Ansah, the University’s Registrar for the past 5 years. Dr. Owusu-Ansah, who joined the University in 2012 as the Registrar of the Graduate School, served the University with distinction throughout her 8-year tenure, carrying out her duties with a staunch level of dedication, hard work and commitment.
In commemoration of her departure on her retirement, and as a tribute to the invaluable contributions she made to the University, a farewell event was organized in her honour.

The event, which was attended by management, Deans, Heads of Department and student representatives provided the opportunity for the various University groups and associations to pay tribute to Dr. Owusu-Ansah, detailing the positive impact she had on both their professional and personal development in particular. Significantly, as each group representative read their tribute, there was a recurring theme that highlighted the Registrar’s considerable work ethic, forthright attitude, and her endearing ability to exhibit empathy balanced with a characteristically professional approach to her duties, paying credence to her status as a true credit to the institution.

Speaking at the event, both the Vice-President, Prof. Isaac Abeku Blankson and the President, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa, spoke in glowing terms about their colleague, emphasizing her hard work, attention to detail, patience, and notably, her maternal nature. In particular, the President made reference to the fact that the Registrar had played an important role in helping the University realize its long-standing goal of becoming a fully-fledged public University, a status which is soon to be confirmed by the nation’s President.
In her farewell address, the Registrar thanked Management and staff alike, also paying tribute to those who she had worked with closely over the years, with special reference to the President and Vice-President, with whom she had formed a special bond in their time working together at the helm of affairs. Dr. Owusu-Ansah was clearly touched by the University’s kind gesture in sending her off in such grand style and communicated her gratitude at being given the honour to serve the University for the past 8 years.
We at GTUC are all hugely grateful to Dr. Owusu-Ansah for her exemplary service and we wish her the very best during her retirement.