GCTU Ladies’ Association Holds Inaugural Ceremony

The logo’s symbolism alludes to the unity of the University’s female fraternity

The GCTU Ladies’ Association continued their groundbreaking launch event with another exciting day of activities for our cherished GCTU ladies. Following on from the success of the opening day, the Ladies’ Association began the second day of the launch with a medical screening exercise which was open to the entire University Community, with blood pressure and sugar level checks available, among others.
The second part of the day’s progamme centred on a highly enlightening seminar on “Emotional Intelligence and Women Employees”.

Rev. Prof. Ivy Drafor-Amenyah, a senior Faculty member at GCTU, highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in the corporate environment

The seminar, which was delivered by Rev. Prof. Ivy Drafor-Amenyah, a senior Faculty member at GCTU, highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in the corporate environment and how crucial it was for women to create a healthy balance between their various roles in the domestic and professional environments. Prof. Drafor-Amenyah emphasized the fact that there is a patent distinction between conventional, academic intelligence and emotional intelligence, particularly in the context of their specific roles in defining leadership competence.

According to Prof. Drafor-Amenyah, “there is a difference between having skills and being able to lead, some people are intelligent, but they cannot lead effectively.” She indicated that people who are able to lead without being necessarily intelligent usually have a high level of emotional intelligence. She delivered an affirmatory message to the ladies gathered, telling them that by virtue of the role of women in society, ‘every woman is a leader’.

She encouraged her fellow GCTU Ladies’ Association members to rise above the various challenges that would undoubtedly present themselves and reminded them that as women, they should always be mindful of getting involved in avoidable clashes or conflicts as “traps would always be set for them”.
Prof. Drafor-Amenyah’s insights were certainly very educative and those present were quite fortunate to benefit from her considerable knowledge and expertise in what is a very pertinent subject area.

GCTU Ladies were encouraged to rise above various challenges in domestic and professional environments
Prior to the main event, GCTU Ladies exhibited their notable dancing skills as they partied to the entertaining sounds of a “Jama” Dance Troupe

Inauguration ceremony

After two days of excitement, camaraderie, and insightful mentorship, the GCTU Ladies’ Association concluded their wonderful launch event with a beautiful inauguration ceremony. Prior to the main event, the ladies of GCTU exhibited their notable dancing skills as they partied to the entertaining sounds of a “Jama” Dance Troupe.
The celebratory mood continued with the Inaugural ceremony for the GCTU Ladies’ Association, which was held at the Eva von Hirsch Auditorium. The ceremony, which was primarily held to swear-in the newly elected association executives, was attended by a host of special guests, including the patrons for the association.

Among others, the occasion was graced with presence of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Robert Ebo Hinson, Prof. Theresa Obuobisa Darko, a Senior Lecturer with the GCTU Business School, Ms. Jennifer Akude, the Director of Academic Affairs, Dr. Nusrat-Jahan Abubakar, the GAUA President and Ag. Director of University Relations. Dr. Mrs. Vera Graham-Asante, the Ag. Director of General Administration, as well as Dr. Ethel Yiranbon. Also in attendance was one of the Vice-Patrons, GCTU’s former Registrar, Dr. Mrs. Juliana Owusu-Ansah, and Dr, Mrs. Ernestina Novieto of the University of Ghana Ladies’ Association, who represented another Vice-patron, Prof. Rosemary Amenga-Etego.

The ceremony began with an inspiring opening address from Dr. Mrs. Vera Graham Asante, who officially welcomed those gathered to the event. The Vice-President of the Association, Dr. Afia Nyarko Boakye, then took the stage to give the audience an insight into the main purpose of the programme. The special invited guests were introduced by Dr. Ethel Yiranbon, before Ms. Jennifer Akude, began the main section of the programme; the induction of the new executives. Standing in the stead of the Registrar, Mr. Emmanuel Baidoo, who unfortunately could not attend due to other equally important engagements, Ms. Akude administered the oath which swore in the new executives, before they were formally presented. The list of executives is as follows:

Mrs. Susan Aryee, President, GCTU Ladies Association

• President-Mrs. Susan Aryee
• Vice-President-Dr. Mrs. Afia Nyarko Boakye
• Secretary- Mrs. Josephine Danquah
• Treasurer- Mrs. Araba Hackman Akanji
• Organizer- Ms. Sandra Seke
• GAUA rep- Mrs. Agnes Quarshie
• UTAG rep- Dr. Michelle Afrifah
• TEWU rep- Ms. Mabel Kwapong
• SSA rep- Ms. Sheila Osei

Immediately after the induction ceremony, the newly sworn in President, Mrs. Susan Aryee, took the stage to give her acceptance speech. She began by thanking the leadership of the University for their role in drafting a constitution which ensured that each of the various groups of the institution would be involved in the Association. She asserted her belief that this initiative undoubtedly encapsulated the Association’s motto- “Together we rise”. The President, then went on to thank the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa, for accepting the invitation to be the Associations’ patron, she also extended her appreciation to the Vice-patrons, Dr. Mrs. Juliana Owusu-Ansah, and Prof. Rosemary Amenga-Etego. Mrs. Aryee alluded to the promising future of Association, outlining a number of activities and initiatives it would be undertaking.

Among others, she indicated that the Association would be organizing Health awareness programmes and other educational seminars on a variety of important topics, she highlighted the fact that the Pro VC, Prof. Hinson, had assured that he would be actively involved and would soon be delivering a masterclass on “Women in Technology”. The President also mentioned that there would be a grand Mother’s day celebration, aerobics sessions and “Girls tours” with the female students. In addition, the Ladies Association would also be engaging in corporate social responsibility activities by undertaking donations to hospitals and children’s homes among many others.

Mrs. Aryee concluded her acceptance speech by issuing a rallying cry to the members of the Association, she asserted that, “Every lady here is special, every lady here is beautiful, every lady here has the power to do something” She also encouraged them to bear in mind that as women, they were all already making a difference, and the onus is on them to aim at making a collective impact in the development of the University. From the excitement with which she was received, it was clear to see that members were highly enthusiastic about the future of the Association under their new President.

Unveiling of the Association’s beautiful new logo


The logo’s symbolism alludes to the unity of the University’s female fraternity

Next on the agenda was the unveiling of the Association’s beautiful new logo, and according to the Organizer, Ms. Sandra Emefa Seke, the logo’s symbolism alludes to the unity of the University’s female fraternity, and also the fact that the Association would count on the support of the entire University community and the institution as a whole.

Speaking on behalf of the Association’s patron, Prof. Afoakwa (who also could not attend due to other important engagements), Prof. Robert Hinson gave an inspiring address to the association, beginning with a hearty congratulations to the members and the newly inducted executives. He spoke about his excitement about the growing trend of women who continue to make great strides in the higher education space and reiterated the fact that, while this was encouraging, there was still a lot more to be done in terms of overcoming the challenges that women face in this regard.

Prof. Robert Hinson spoke about his excitement about the growing trend of women who continue to make great strides in the higher education

He intimated that, unfortunately, women consistently face discrimination, gender inequality issues, stereotyping and even internal wrangling or as he put it, “women pulling down women”. He urged the leadership to ensure that any policies that would favour women should be widely disseminated, to ensure that they would always be fully aware of their rights and privileges. Prof. Hinson also advised that members should endeavor to learn from others with greater experience and they “should not be put off by resistance” and “they should aspire for uncommon levels of excellence” which would inspire others to do great things.

He affirmed his belief that, having interacted with the newly inducted President, Mrs. Aryee, he was fully convinced that there was no better choice for the position. He closed by advising the women to encourage each other, particularly in the face of their “multitudinous roles” and the various challenges associated with them. Before he left the stage, he gave a poignant message of encouragement and support, saying, “I wish the executives all the best in their tenure, and to all GCTU ladies, the best is yet to come!”

In her goodwill message to the Association, the Vice-patron, former Registrar, Dr. Mrs. Juliana Owusu-Ansah, expressed her appreciation at being selected as a patron. She urged the members to “always organize themselves so they will be relevant in all areas of society”. Dr. Mrs, Owusu-Ansah also emphasized the critical importance of earning respect and working as a team, ending her address by once again communicating her sincere gratitude at being chosen to be involved in such a significant capacity.

The second goodwill message was delivered by Prof. Theresa Obuobisa-Darko. She also rendered her gratitude at being called to deliver a message on such an important occasion. In her address, she highlighted the importance of educating women on their welfare, health, careers, promotion, and general well-being. She pointed to the fact that unity and the support of each other in diverse ways would take the Association far; she added, “Associations thrive well when members are committed, participate in programmes and contribute their quota in support of financial initiatives” She concluded by encouraging members to “Rise, recognize your worth and those of others, and support each other”

The ceremony ended by cutting of a beautiful cake and a photo session to memorialize what was an amazing event

The ceremony was then brought to an end with the cutting of a beautiful cake and a photo session to memorialize what was an amazing event, before everyone was treated to some delicious food at a food bazaar at the Forecourt. The members of the learning centers and satellite campuses also played an integral part in the launching of the Association as they participated in full force from their various locations.

As a University Community, we are definitely proud of our ladies, and we congratulate them for holding this wonderful launch event. Without a doubt, we are confident that the GCTU Ladies’ Association will continue on an upward trajectory and heighten the importance of women in the institution. Once again, Congratulations to you all!

Congratulations to you all!




Satellite Campuses were not left out
Congratulations GCTU!!!
Koforidua Campus (GCTU Ladies’ Association)

Issued by University Relations Directorate
Monday September 5, 2022