2021 was capped off in grand style as Ghana Communication Technology University celebrated the Investiture of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa. In commemoration of this landmark achievement, a beautiful Investiture ceremony was held to officially present Prof. Afoakwa as the University’s first ever Vice-Chancellor.
The event, which took place on Saturday, 18th December 2021, was the first of its kind since the University was formed and without a doubt, it was indicative of the prestige and significance of the Vice-Chancellor’s historic achievement. The event began with the traditional Procession of Council and Convocation, however, with a unique twist this time, as it was led by the vibrant Ghana Dance Ensemble. The tone was firmly set for the event as the skilled dancers ushered in the members of Council, Senior Management and the Convocation, furthering emphasizing the pomp and pageantry of the ceremony.

After the Interim Registrar, Mr Nii Adotei Abrahams, elaborated the purpose of the event to those gathered, they were welcomed by the Council Chairman, Prof. Kofi Awusabo-Asare, who further highlighted the crucial significance of the Vice-Chancellor’s achievement, particularly at this important stage of the University’s progression. The Investiture then began in earnest, as the various elements of the Investiture ceremony, including the Vice-Chancellor’s Gown, Medallion and Ceremonial Chair were officially unveiled and presented, before the dedication of the Gown by the officiating Clergy, Rev. Michael Sowah Nortey. The Vice-Chancellor was then taken through the respective protocols, including the Administration of the Oath of Office, Robing, as well as the Signing and Presentation of the Instrument of Office.
After the completion of the Investiture ceremony, the Council Chairman, Prof. Kofi Awusabo-Asare, officially presented the Vice-Chancellor to those gathered, before the officiating Clergy, Rev. Nortey, offered his words of Exhortation and Committal as he dedicated the Vice-Chancellor and his Office into the hands of the Lord. The University community then paid tribute to the Vice-Chancellor, as the various associations, GAUA, UTAG and TEWU, read Goodwill messages on behalf of their members.

Speaking for the first time since his Investiture, Prof. Afoakwa then took the stage to give his Inaugural address, where he spoke at length about his illustrious personal and academic journey, as well as giving a detailed insight into his strategic plans for the University under his continued and dedicated stewardship. The Vice-Chancellor concluded his Inaugural address by expressing his sincere appreciation, first to God and then, to a number of important people who, in diverse ways, had played an integral role in the ultimate realization of this remarkable and prestigious achievement. Specifically, the Vice-Chancellor paid tribute to the efforts and sacrifice of his late father, Mr. Joseph Ohene Afoakwa, and his mother, Mrs. Margaret Afoakwa, who herself was present at the event. He then went on to express his appreciation to his entire family, as well as the Chiefs and people of the Fiapre Traditional Area, for their immense support and prayers during his academic and professional career. Finally, the Vice-Chancellor extended his gratitude to his wife, Mrs. Ellen Ohene-Afoakwa, and his three children, for their unwavering support, encouragement and affection, all of which have served to strengthen him in the navigation of his highly successful academic and professional career.
The event was concluded with two important addresses, from the Keynote Speaker,

Dr. K.K.Sarpong, the C.E.O of GNPC and also Prof. Mohammed Salifu, the Director-General of GTEC. Prof. Salifu in particular, alluded to the burgeoning potential of the University, stating that, while GCTU is still in a process of transition after the confirmation of its public status, there is so much room for progress and achievement of the many goals that have been set by the Vice-Chancellor and Senior Management as a whole. Dr. Sarpong, the Keynote speaker, paid credence to the enormous achievement of the Vice-Chancellor, wishing him all the best during the rest of his tenure.

The programme was concluded with closing remarks from the Council Chairman, before an excellent rendition of the University anthem, as those gathered rose to officially bring the ceremony to a close. Overall, the event was highly successful and certainly worthy of the esteem and prestige attached to the Investiture of GCTU’s very first Vice-Chancellor. Many thanks must go to the University Community for supporting the Vice-Chancellor on his special day, and without a doubt, mention must be made of the tireless, dedicated and meticulous efforts of the Investiture Planning Committee, as well as all other units and staff members who played a role in putting this momentous event together.
To Prof. Afoakwa, the entire University Community extends its most heartfelt congratulations. We are certainly proud of your many achievements on behalf of the University thus far, and invariably, we are confident that, under your guidance and leadership, GCTU will continue to go from strength to strength, and even surpass the heights that have been set in the pursuit of excellence within the tertiary education space.