GCTU E-resources Awareness for students   |   13 MAR   |   1:00pm -2:30pm   |   Virtual ( Zoom)


Research Presentation: Philosophies Underlying Social Science Research Methods

Philosophies Underlying Social Science Research Methods


THEME: Philosophies Underlying Social Science Research Methods

The condition of postmodernity underway has enormous implications for social science research, subjecting our existing epistemologies, philosophies, and methodologies to critical appraisal.

This presentation will profile the major philosophies underlying social science research – from positivism, through phenomenology and structuralism to postmodernism.

In particular, it will draw on the works of leading postmodern thinkers, such as Jacques Derrida, Micheal Foucault, and Jean Baudrillard, to highlight the growing influence of postmodern thought and methodologies on current social science research.

Ultimately, the audience will come to appreciate the extent to which contemporary

Qualitative, and mixed methodologies derive their impetus and inspiration from different philosophical positions.

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Joseph Mensah
Office of Research Services and Innovation, GTUC.
(Visiting Professor from York University, Canada)

Chairperson: Prof. Isaac Abeku Blankson
Vice President, GTUC


26th Feb. 2020
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Florence Onny, GTUC, Tesano

For enquiries:
0243289878 | 0501341962