GCTU Attends US-AFRICA Strategy Event As Vice-President Harris Delivers Inspiring Address

GCTU was among the invited institutions

As the United States Vice-President Kamala Harris continued her landmark visit to Ghana, a contingent of staff, faculty and students from GCTU were fortunate enough to attend a momentous event which served as the backdrop for an inspiring address delivered by Vice-President Harris. The event, which was held at the Black Star Gate in Osu, Accra, was attended by over 2000 people, most of whom were University students. GCTU was among the invited institutions, and under the auspices of the Centre for Strategic Business Promotion and Development (CSBPD), a delegation led by Mrs. Araba Hackman Akanji, the Director of the CSBPD, participated in what was indeed a memorable occasion for all involved. 

Along with over 80 students from various departments, the delegation included some Faculty members, including Prof. Kester Quist-Aphetsi, the Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Information Systems (FOCIS), and Dr. Ethel Asante Antwi, a Lecturer at the GCTU Business School. The colorful programme began with a wonderful performance from the Ghana Dance Ensemble, who embodied the spirit of the occasion with some captivating dance routines that set the tone for the event.  

Soon after the performance, Vice-President Harris took to the stage, and amidst rapturous applause, she acknowledged the presence of all those who had seized the opportunity to play a part in such a historic event. She went on to express her excitement, emphasizing the fact that Ghana is clearly a country characterized by a high level of energy, dynamism and potential, particularly among the youth.

She affirmed the United States’ stance as an ally of Africa, stating, “The President and I are all in on Africa, because the fates of America and Africa are interdependent. Our long-standing ties and intertwined histories are evidence of this, and this continent is especially significant for me as the first black Vice-President of the United States”. Vice-President Harris, reiterated the United States’ commitment to strengthening partnerships with Ghana and the entire continent in 3 key areas, specifically; Empowerment of women, Digital inclusion and Good governance and democracy.

She assured those in attendance that the United States would collaborate with Ghana to address the challenges and opportunities that are clearly evident with regard to these key focus areas. Vice-President Harris reiterated her belief that investment in innovation is key to unlocking the massive potential within the continent, stating, “We innovate to solve problems and challenge the status quo. You as young leaders are dreamers and innovators; your spirit, determination and creativity will drive the future and you will ultimately shape the future of the world. Because of this, we must invest in the African continent; African ideas and innovation are fueling our optimism and transforming our future.”

Vice-President of the United States, Kamala Harris

Vice-President Harris, ended her speech with a rousing call to arms, communicating her strong belief in the youth of Africa, and concluding her address with some inspiring words of encouragement. She declared, “You are all capable of solving problems that we have not yet even identified and providing solutions that we have not yet thought of. I believe that by acting together with intention, we can make progress and I am more optimistic than I have ever been about the future of Africa. Let us dream with ambition and lead with conviction!”  

The event was without doubt a very memorable experience, and it certainly provided credence to the fact that the youth of our great nation and continent have so much to offer. We hope that our students in particular are inspired by this, and we anticipate great things from them in the future as they put action to the inspiring words of Vice-President Kamala Harris. 

A delegation led by Mrs. Araba Hackman Akanji, the Director of the CSBPD, participated in what was indeed a memorable occasion for all involved

Issued by University Relations Directorate
Friday March 31, 2023