Career Compass Seminar For Fresh Students   |   17 MAR   |   8:30AM   |   Florence Onny Auditorium


GCTU Holds Students’ open forum

The office of Student Affairs held students’ open forum

The office of Student Affairs was once again at the forefront of facilitating a student engagement session when on Thursday, August 11th 2022, they invited the SRC, the various student associations, course reps and the general student body to meet and deliberate over pertinent issues with relevant academic and administrative staff.

Over the years, these open forum sessions have created an invaluable opportunity for students to interact directly with Management, Faculty and Administrative staff in a bid to create an enabling environment for our most cherished stakeholders.

Dr. Michael Owusu-Akomeah, Dean of Students

Among those in attendance were the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Robert Ebo Hinson, Prof. Stephen Asunka, Ag. Dean of Engineering, Prof. Frank Gyimah Sackey, Director of the Centre for Continuous Distance Education, Dr. Michael Owusu-Akomeah, Dean of Students, as well as a host of Academic Heads of Department and key staff from various Faculties and Administrative offices including Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and the Directorate of Works and Physical Development.

The Dean of Students, Dr. Michael Owusu-Akomeah, in his opening remarks provided an insight into the purpose of the meeting stating, “We are here to share your (students) views, and listen to your issues relating to accommodation, fees and academics among others”. Dr. Owusu-Akomeah encouraged the students to vent their issues as candidly as possible, assuring them that everything possible would be done to address them.

The SRC President, Edmund Edem Ametefe, also encouraged his colleagues to speak openly about their issues, cautioning them to do so with respect and decorum.

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Robert Ebo Hinson

The Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Robert Ebo Hinson, on his part, gave the students an inspiring message on their importance and the crucial role they play in ensuring that they are provided with efficient service. According to Prof. Hinson, Services are co-produced – the service provider has a role to play, and the service recipient also has a role to play. “Together they will collaborate to get favourable service outcomes,” he said. He outlined the importance of the HODs, stating that students should always seek redress through them first, before communicating with the Dean of Students, or the Pro Vice-Chancellor himself. 

The students were then invited to table their issues, concerns and challenges relating to their academics and general welfare. It was a busy session as the students took turns to table their issues. The issues raised ranged from lack of clarity regarding the publication of results, the waiting time for certificates after graduation and the length of the current semester registration period among others.

SRC executives in a group photo with some participants

Some of the students’ concerns were immediately dealt with by representatives from the various offices at the forum while assurances were given for further action to be taken.

Overall, the forum proved to be a major success, with students welcoming the opportunity to interact openly with Management and staff, a​nd seeing the genuine willingness to have their issues resolved.

Some of the students at the forum