Career Compass Seminar For Fresh Students   |   17 MAR   |   8:30AM   |   Florence Onny Auditorium


2-Day Workshop for Junior Staff Organized

A two-day training programme on Techniques of Cleaning

A two-day training programme on Techniques of Cleaning was organized for Junior staff of the university on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th September 2022.

The programme organized by the HR Directorate was designed to equip the Junior staff, particularly the Janitorial staff (Cleaners and Labourers), with the skills and knowledge to create a clean hygienic working environment.
In a short ceremony to open the training, Madam Susanne Aryee whose Directorate (Works and Physical Development) supervises the Cleaners and Labourers, remarked that the main focus of the training programme was to teach the staff how to handle the cleaning tools properly and protect themselves and others from contracting diseases.

“As janitorial staff (cleaners and labourers) our work comes with a lot of risks but by God’s grace, we are able to deliver. But we had to rely on our informal discussions to sail through without incident. We discussed among ourselves how to do our cleaning, the ratios for mixing our chemicals and so on. But it is about time we learn and do the right thing.

“It is by God’s grace that we came through Covid-19 untouched. As an institution, the welfare of our staff is paramount, which is why we have sourced experts to come here and teach you what to do at the right time and how to manage yourselves so that you are protected in your work. That is the main focus of this training. So you will be taught to handle your work professionally so that you don’t infect yourselves and your families”, madam said.

The Team Leader touched on the importance of cleaning

The facilitators of the workshop, MaxFM/Consortium, on their part, were happy for the opportunity to demonstrate how the cleaning job can be handled safely without any repercussions to the university community. Speaking on their behalf, the Team Leader touched on the importance of cleaning, saying that in an environment like the university if the surroundings are not clean, it speaks volumes about the image of the university.

“Cleanliness is the only thing that can guarantee us hygiene and prevent us from contracting diseases and falling sick. Cleanliness was the number one measure used to prevent the contraction and spread of the Covid-19 virus. But often, we misconstrue cleanliness to mean sweeping or clearing your house of rubbish. Most of the germs that cause diseases cannot be seen with the naked eye and therefore cannot be eradicated by sweeping or mobbing. That is why in the Facilities Management Industry we make sure that when workers go to their workplaces, they do not go home with any diseases”, he emphasized.

He added that the objective of the training is to teach the Janitorial staff how to handle their jobs safely, how to mix their chemicals and some very important touch points that they must concentrate on when cleaning.

Certificates of participation were awarded to the participants
GCTU Staff at the workshop

The training outline sought to expose staff to areas such as understanding customer service, deep cleaning techniques, health, safety and personal hygiene among others.

Day one of the training featured Cleaners and Labourers whose primary responsibility is to keep the university environment clean and hygienic. Day two involved Artisans and Security Personnel.

Certificates of participation were awarded to the participants.

At the end of the training, the staff were excited and upbeat about the benefits of the programme. They were appreciative of the initiative and pleaded for more of such programmes in the future to equip them with the skills to deliver their jobs professionally.