GCTU E-resources Awareness for students   |   13 MAR   |   1:00pm -2:30pm   |   Virtual ( Zoom)


GTUC Holds Press Conference With Coventry University Management

Prof. John Latham (Coventry)  with Prof. Emmanuel Ohene-Afoakwa (Ag. President, GTUC)

During a recent visit to the University by the Management of Coventry University, a media press conference was held to give members of the public an exclusive insight into the status of GTUC’s partnership with Coventry University, as well as a preview of what the future holds for the collaboration.

In attendance at the press conference was a high profile delegation from Coventry University, including the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Latham, and the Chair of the Board of Governors, Mr. Keith Bissett.

GTUC was represented by the Acting President, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa, the Chair of GTUC’s interim Council, Prof. Kwame Osei Boateng, the Vice-President, Prof. Isaac Abeku Blankson, and the Registrar, Dr. Mrs. Juliana Owusu-Ansah.

GTUC Council with Prof John Latham ( Vice-Chancellor, Coventry University )

The press conference presented an excellent opportunity for GTUC to communicate its reaffirmation of the strength of the partnership with Coventry University, and in line with this, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Latham was unequivocal in confirming that Coventry University intends to continue to put in place measures to increase the capacity of the partnership over the next few years. Specifically, Prof. Latham referred to the intention to continue to align the programme’s content with the needs of the nation, particularly from a professional development perspective. He alluded to the fact that the programme was designed with a view towards developing graduates who would be able to impact positively on the nation’s growth and that this mutual objective served as a major factor in choosing GTUC as a partner.

The Acting President, Prof. Afoakwa, in his response to a question regarding the University’s focus on entrepreneurship, explained that the University placed an emphasis on the transfer of knowledge that would prepare graduates adequately not only for the theoretical aspects of their chosen fields, but importantly, the practical facets as well.

The Acting President also highlighted that in line with the University’s technology focus, there is a concerted emphasis placed on the inculcation of technology driven subject matter throughout the Universities three faculties, namely Engineering, Computing and Informatics and most notably, IT Business.

GTUC Council with Management of Coventry University

Prof. Afoakwa concluded by reiterating the University’s commitment to the development of the GTUC-Coventry partnership and stated his belief that with the continued support from our partners, the University would continue to grow in leaps and bounds.

On behalf of the University community we would like to communicate our gratitude to Coventry University for affording us this unique opportunity to engage with them and we look forward to the continued success of the collaboration for years to come.