GCTU Matriculates New Students For The 2nd Intake Of 2023

A total of 517 students matriculated for the May cohort

The GCTU has successfully matriculated its fresh students for the May cohort of 2023. In a smooth and vibrant ceremony Saturday, June 10, the vice-chancellor of the GCTU, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa welcomed the newest batch of enthusiastic students to the university. 

The ceremony was attended by faculty, staff, parents, and friends of the new students.

The students clapped and cheered as the VC delivered his stirring address

The vice-chancellor in his usual passionate manner, delivered a heartfelt speech, extolling the virtues and the academic excellence of GCTU. His speech was met with cheers and applause from the students and guests in the Great Hall where the event took place. 

“The GCTU community is totally devoted to excellence, innovation and transformative education. It has established itself as an institution that has consistently pushed the boundaries in international education, cultivate research, industry-driven curriculum, and technology education. The university recognizes the transformative power of technology and its ability to revolutionize industries, economies, and our society,” said the VC. 

The VC detailed the steps being taken to achieve the vision of creating the ‘Silicon Valley’ of Ghana

The Vice-Chancellor outlined the new direction the university is going in order to achieve its target of being a model technology hub akin to Silicon Valley in the US. 

“The journey towards building systems that rival Silicon Valley is undoubtedly ambitious. However, with the collective efforts of our dedicated faculty, talented students, visionary partners, and the unwavering support of the entire University community, we are confident in our ability to achieve this goal,” Prof. said. 

According to the Vice-Chancellor, infrastructure development is a key area in the agenda to replicate the Silicon Valley ecosystem in GCTU. He said that “the needed infrastructure development to facilitate the achievement of this ideals has begun.  This includes buildings, computer labs with artificial Intelligence-aided systems, and industry driven learning opportunities.” 

He enumerated projects such as an 8-Storey-Lecture Halls Complex, 8-Storey Hostel Blocks, Laboratories, Advanced ICT Training Centers as well as an Archival and Documentation Center which will be all see sod-cutting, and construction last this year. 

He also revealed that a number of strategic partnerships have been signed with both local and international institutions to help with the practical training and development of the students. 

“Through our Industry Liaison Office, we have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with industry leaders in Ghana and many other countries in Africa, Europe, the Americas and Asia to support the training of our students with required industry skills. Together with these partners, we will propel Ghana and Africa as a whole to the forefront of technological advancements.  

He went on to encourage the students to embrace the opportunities that the university offers and to take an active part in the campus community. He also advised the students on the importance of leaving their comfort zones and striving for more knowledge and staying focused to achieve their academic goals. 

“As you embark upon this transformative journey, I implore you to thirst for knowledge and be bold with innovation. Some of our past students have developed some of the most relevant mobile apps and other technological systems that are being used to advance the digitization and digitalization agenda in this country. 

“Fearlessly pursue knowledge with unrelenting fervor and never shy away from the quest for answers. The space for communication technology is evolving very fast and it behooves on you to be at the frontline, keep adapting, keep learning, and keep staying ahead of the curve, in order for you to remain relevant globally and within the various sectors of the Ghanaian economy, Prof. Afoakwa advised. 

Students taking the matriculation oath which is mandated by the GCTU Act

Before the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, Mr. Emmanuel Baidoo, in stating the purpose of the gathering, alluded to the GCTU Act 2020, Act 1022 article 39 which enjoins the university to matriculate its fresh students to become bonafide members of the university. 

He had these words of appreciation for the staff of the university: “I wish to congratulate all colleagues at all levels for the roles they have played in the process of getting students admitted, registered and ready for matriculation.” 

The Registrar took the students through the oath and signing of the matricular

For the matriculants he said, “I look forward to seeing positive engagement in the university activities throughout your stay in the university.

The much-anticipated expectations address which was delivered by Master Russell Nii Odoi Odotei of the Faculty of Computing and Information Systems, did not disappoint. He used his speech to prod the school about the things they look up to the most while reminding his colleagues about the kind of conduct that is expected of them as they begin their academic journey. 

Master Russell Nii Odoi Odotei

He was optimistic that their dreams and aspirations would be met here n GCTU. He also had some kind words for their parents some of who were present in the Great Hall. He thanked them for the love, care and support they showed towards the education of their children without which they couldn’t have made it to the university.

The GCTU Choir dazzled with some beautiful tunes

It was not all speeches and cheers as the GCTU Choir was on hand to entertain the guests with some delightful tunes. They took charge of the entertainment from beginning to end with some wonderful performances that will certainly live long in the memory.

The ceremony was a resounding success, and the students left confident in the knowledge that they were studying in the best ICT and Engineering universities in Ghana.  

GCTU has a rich legacy of academic excellence, innovation, and creativity. Without a doubt, stepping into the gates of GTCU guarantees you the best educational experience to empower and equip you for the challenges of life. 

Members of faculty and staff were present to witness the occasion

Issued by University Relations Directorate
Tuesday June 13, 2023