Career Compass Seminar For Fresh Students   |   17 MAR   |   8:30AM   |   Florence Onny Auditorium


GCTU Council officially inaugurated

Minister for Education, Hon.Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum

Thursday, 23rd September represented yet another significant occasion in the annals of GCTU as the members of the new Governing Council for the institution were officially sworn in. The ceremony, which took place at the Ministry of Education’s Conference room, was attended by the Minister for Education, Hon.Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the incoming Council members, including the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa, as well as the University’s Interim Registrar, Mr. Nii Adotei Abrahams.

Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa

As part of the ceremony, the Minister for Education administered both the official oath and the oath of secrecy, which symbolized the swearing-in process and officially confirmed the members’ status as representatives on the University’s highest governing body. In his subsequent address to the newly sworn-in Council members, the Minister took some time to congratulate them on their appointments. He emphasized the fact that, with the University’s specialized focus on technology and ICT-based education, the institution is in a unique position to support the President of the nation’s agenda of developing the country through science and technology. He affirmed that the onus was on the Council to lead the institution in the development of cutting-edge programs which would develop human capacity and push innovation. The Minister also paid credence to the integral role of the University in terms of national development, specifically stating that “GCTU holds the future of the country more than any other university when it comes to innovation.” He spoke openly about his expectation of GCTU, intimating that the University’s success would not be judged solely on the number of students that would graduate from the University, but that it would be accessed on its ability to produce technological patents and develop sustainable businesses.

The Minister concluded his address by once again congratulating the new Council members and reminded them that, while each of them has been appointed as representatives of various bodies and associations, it is essential that they bear in mind that first and foremost, they are all representing GCTU. He closed by informing the members that he was looking forward to working with them and wished them all the success during their tenure.

Dr. Nusrat – Jahan Abubakar represents Administrators of the University (GAUA)

The gathering was also addressed by the Chairman of the new Council, Prof. Awusabo-Asare, who reiterated the Council’s commitment to the mandate of the University, as well as the collective responsibility of the members in serving as the bridge between the institution and the Ministry. He alluded to the importance of considering communication in a holistic sense and ensuring that technology is used as a vehicle to promote it effectively. Prof Awusabo-Asare concluded by assuring the Minster that the Council would work assiduously to put both GCTU and Ghana on the map through focused strategic planning and strong, insightful leadership.

Council members officially take the oath of secrecy

As a University community, we certainly echo both the Hon Minister and Chairman in their sentiments and extend our warm congratulations to the new GCTU Council. We are extremely confident that under their inspired leadership and guidance, the University will reach the highest heights, ultimately surpassing all expectations as it continues to firmly establish its status as a premier public institution of technology-based education in Ghana and the world.


Council members signs oath of secrecy


The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Education’s Conference room


Minister congratulates council members on their appointments