With the advent of mobile and portable computing , the tablet computer is seen to be one of the most popular gadgets around. A tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a one-piece mobile computer, primarily operated by touch screen (the user’s finger essentially functions as the mouse and cursor, removing the need for the physical [i.e., mouse & keyboard] hardware components necessary for a desktop or laptop computer; and , an onscreen, hideable virtual keyboard is integrated into the display). Servicing and repairing a wide variety of hardware and software related personal computer issues and computer network problems.
Course Structure
- Basic Electronics(Capacitor, Resistor, Transformer, Transistor, Diode, etc.)
- Basics of Table PC
- Parts of Table PC
- Windows Installations
- Partitioning and formatting
- Android Application Installation
- Tablet PC Assembly and disassembly
- Chip Level Practical (Using Solder Iron, SMD Machine, IRDA , SMD Machine )
- Troubleshooting (Chip Level Troubleshooting using oscilloscope, LCR Meter,IRDA, SMD Machine)
- Service Centre Class
Career Prospects
Upon successful completion of the course many students continue with advanced studies, usually in programming and software configuration. However, a significant number of students enter employment upon completion of this course.