• Profile

    Ahmed Antwi-Boampong is a dynamic academic leader and researcher with comprehensive expertise in ICT management, project management, and legal studies. He is committed to leveraging his extensive academic and administrative experience to foster innovation and community engagement within a university setting.

  • Publications

    1 Mahama U.F.A, Boison D.K, Doumbia M.O., Antwi-Boampong A. (2024). Enhancing Decision-Making and Supply Chain Agility through Artificial Intelligence. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. (Manuscript accepted)
    2 Antwi-Boampong A., Boison D.K., Malcalm E. (2024). Half a Decade of Artificial Intelligence in Education in Africa: Trends, Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions. Journal of Engineering Education Transformation. (Manuscript accepted)
    3 Antwi-Boampong A. (2023). A model for faculty blended learning adoption for tertiary education in Ghana. Thesis submitted for a PhD award in Planning and Development, Aalborg University.
    4 Antwi-Boampong A. (2023). Transitioning into Fully Blended Learning: A Model for Faculty Blended Learning Adoption. Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information & Communications Technologies, 1-36.
    5 Antwi-Boampong A. (2023). Strategies for Institutionalizing Blended Learning in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of a Ghanaian Public University. European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 4(6), 97-105
    6 Antwi-Boampong A., et al. (2022). Factors Affecting Port Users’ Behavioral Intentions to Adopt Financial Technology (Fintech) in Ports in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case of Ports in Ghana. FinTech, 1(4), 362-375.
    7 Boison D.K., Antwi-Boampong A., Blay D., Augustine Asiedu, Doumbia M.O., & Sarbeng K.O. (2023). Factors influencing employees’ intention to participate in a Bring Your Own Device in the port supply chain network: A correlational study using UTAUT2 theoretical framework. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 101(11).
    8 Antwi-Boampong A., et al. (2022). Blockchain Ready Port Terminal Operations Using Distributed Ledger. Transportation Research Part C. (Manuscript submitted)
    9 Boison D.K., Antwi-Boampong A., et al. (2022). A Framework for the Evaluation of Factors Affecting Smart Contract Adoption and Enforceability in Port Supply Chain Industry in Ghana. In Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2021 (pp. 957-969). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    10 Antwi-Boampong A. (2022). Testing and Validating a Faculty Blended Learning Adoption Model. Frontiers in Education, 7:851921. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.851921
    11 Antwi-Boampong A., et al. (2022). Assessing Factors Influencing the Adoption of Technology in the Port Supply Chain Industry in the West African Sub-Region: A Case Study of Integrated Customs System in Ghana. SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4178806 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4178806
    12 Boison D.K., Antwi-Boampong A., et al. (2022). Assessing Factors Affecting the Blockchain Adoption in Public Procurement Delivery in Ghana: A Correlational Study Using UTAUT2 Theoretical Framework. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 13(1), 1-13.
    13 Antwi-Boampong A. (2021). An investigation into barriers impacting faculty blended learning adoption. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 22(3), Article 16.
    14 Boison D.K., et al. (2020). Blockchain Ready Port Supply Chain Using Distributed Ledger. Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communications Technologies. Rivers Publishers.
    15 Antwi-Boampong A. (2019). Towards a Faculty Blended Learning Adoption Model for Higher Education. Education and Information Technologies (2019).
    17 Freeman E., Antwi-Boampong A., & Agyemang O.B.K. (2019). Students’ Learning Experience within a Blended Learning Environment in a Higher Education Institution in Ghana. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning.
    18 Antwi-Boampong A., Freeman A., & Muat T. (2019). A Thematic and Grounded Theory Understanding of Faculty Adoption of Blended Learning in Higher Education. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning.
    19 Antwi-Boampong A. (2018). Faculty Perspectives on Barriers of Blended-Learning Adoption: A Ghana Technology University College Case Study. EDULEARN18 Proceedings.
    20 Antwi-Boampong A. (2018). Institutional Perspective of Drivers Influencing the Adoption of Blended Learning in Higher Education: The Case of Ghana Technology University College. EDULEARN18 Proceedings.
    21 Antwi-Boampong A., & Sørensen L.T. (2018). An Exploration of Experiences and Determinants of Blended Learning Adoption Among Students in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Ghana Technology University. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on e-Learning.

  • Qualifications (Education)

    April 2024 PhD in Planning and Development Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark
    2010-2012 MBA in Project Management Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana
    2012-2015 Bachelor of Law (LLB) Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana
    1998-2002 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Technology University for Development Studies, Ghana

  • Professional Training

  • Positions Held/Served

    Senior Assistant Registrar and Head of Industrial Liaison Office - Ghana Communication Technology University, 2021 - Present
    Adjunct Lecturer - Faculty of Computing and Information Systems and Graduate School, Ghana Communication Technology University, 2023 – Present
    PhD Candidate - Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016 - 2020
    Assistant Registrar - Graduate School, Ghana Communication Technology University, 2012 - 2016
    Municipal Director - Kyabobo National Park, Wildlife Division of Forestry Commission, 2010 - 2012
    Deputy Municipal Director - Kyabobo National Park, Wildlife Division of Forestry Commission, 2005 - 2010

  • Areas of Expertise/Research

    ICT Management
    Project Management
    Legal Studies
    Blended Learning Adoption in Higher Education
    Artificial Intelligence in Education and Supply Chain Management
    Blockchain Technology and Financial Technology Adoption in Port Supply Chains

  • Conference/Seminars/Workshops

  • Honours/Awards

    - Successfully facilitated the signing of over 15 MOUs with reputable industries
    - Incorporated practical training and industry visits for various year groups