In yet another of a series of exciting developments for GCTU, the University launched the newly completed Faculty of Computing and Information Systems (FOCIS) block. The new block, dubbed “The Computing and Technology Hub”, has been created with an emphasis on practical and innovative learning and teaching, and was conceptualized by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa, to contribute towards his vision of developing the University into a world-class institution of ICT education which will ultimately forge a reputation as one of the leading technology-oriented institutions, not only in Ghana, but within the entire sub-region.

The launch, which took place on Wednesday, 20th April, 2022, was held at the C-Block of the Tesano Campus, where the hub is situated. Present at the event were the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Afoakwa, Ag. Director of Works and Physical Development, Surv. Gordon Baapiri, Dean of the Office of Student Affairs, Dr. Michael Owusu-Akomeah and Ag. Director of Internal Audit, Mr. Kennedy Oppong Fosu. The rest were Ag. Director of Academic Affairs, Ms. Jennifer Akude and Ag. Head of Procurement, Ms. Fatu Esi Sesay. Representing Faculty were the Dean of the Business School, Prof. George Ampong, the Ag. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Stephen Asunka, and the Ag. Dean of FOCIS, Prof. Kester Quist-Aphetsi, and a host of other faculty members and administrative staff.
Led by the Ag. Dean of FOCIS, Prof. Quist-Aphetsi, the event began with a tour of the hub, which provided those in attendance with a first-hand opportunity to acquaint themselves with the new facility and gain an insight into its holistic purpose and benefit for students, faculty and the entire University. Prof. Quist-Aphetsi, who was tasked by the Vice-Chancellor to develop the facility in line with his vision, outlined the importance of the hub, elucidating that “In constructing the hub, the lecture halls have been transformed to provide a relaxing and conducive environment for the students. The facility will be open for 24 hours each day and will allow the students to conduct innovative projects” .During the tour, the Ag. Dean revealed that the respective classrooms will be used as sub versions of the hub, with each focusing on a specific aspect of Computing and information systems.
The tour climaxed with an official unveiling of the facility, as the Vice-Chancellor cut the tape and declared the hub officially opened.
The Ag. Dean spoke about the conceptualization of the project, detailing how the VC laid out his expectations for the hub, tasking him to ensure that it could compete with some of the world’s best technology institutions. He also spoke of the Faculty’s collective goal to encourage focused development and nurture innovation among the students.
The Vice-Chancellor expressed his excitement at the creation of the hub, listing it among a series of developments which would move the University along the path towards his ambition to place it at the forefront of ICT institutions in Ghana and the West-African sub-region. He added, “We need to enhance the facilities in which we learn and work and that’s why the environment of the University is changing.” The Vice-Chancellor went on to speak of the new mandate which has been spearheaded by the Act that confirmed the University’s public status, specifying that, “a strategic plan has been put in place to undertake the required transformation and development and it is expected that extra faculty will be recruited soon to cater to the additional faculties which will be created as part of this expansion”.

Prof. Afoakwa highlighted his expectation that the students would benefit from this development not only during their time here, but also after they graduate. “The students will be developed to come out and provide solutions to solve problems and help the nation progress” he said. He also registered his delight at the actualization of his vision saying that “I am excited that the vision is becoming a reality and evidence of this is being displayed on a daily basis”.