Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology
Dr. Ruhiya Abubakar is a young, energetic, smart, result-oriented and experienced lecturer with the faculty of engineering of Ghana Communication Technology University and has a Ph.D. in engineering and technology with Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences in India. She handles courses in both the telecommunications and electrical/electronic departments. Some of the courses she teaches include circuit theory, digital communications, data communications and computer networking, electromagnetic wave theory, microprocessors applications etc.
Dr. Abubakar obtained her secondary education at Navrongo Secondary School in the upper east region of Ghana, her tertiary education at Takoradi polytechnic and later Ghana Communication Technology University she has so much passion in the promotion of female in STEM education.
Her creativity, imaginative, innovative and adaptable mindset make me a good team player who respects and upholds team objectives. Her high sense of responsibility and trustworthiness, again make her a quick learner and industrious. She is committed to corporate values and believes in continues improvement and serving clients with diligence and humility.
Dr, Abubakar’s knowledge in both the telecommunications and energy systems make versatile. Ultimately, she has immensely contributed to the body of knowledge from research works conducted in the past 10 years, which made her attain eighteen publications to her credit and attended many conferences both abroad and in Ghana. -
No. PUBLICATION 1 Ruhiya. Abubakar, K.M Sharath Kumar, Amevi Acakpovi, Ussif William Ayinga, Nana Agyeman Prempeh, Jeremiah Tetteh, Ethel Seyram Kumassah (2021), Convolutional Neural Networks for Solid Waste Segregation and Prospects of Waste-to-Energy in Ghana. IEOM society, Conference Proceedings
2 Amevi Acakpovi, Nana Yaw Asabere, Robert Sowah, Ruhiya Abubakar and Samuel Blay Amo (2018), Efficient Modelling a PCB Transmission Line for High Digital Systems, IEEE, ICAST 2018, International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology held on the 22nd to 24th of August 2018 at the University of Ghana
3 Ruhiya Abubakar, Prof. S.R Shankapul, Dr. Amevi Acakpovi, Ussif William, Patrick Acheampong (2018), Analysis of the Inadequacies in Existing Practices and Factors Affecting Domestic Energy Demand in Ghana, , International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (2018)13 (19), 14323-14333.
4 Ruhiya Abubakar, Prof. S.R. Shankapul, Prof Nana Osei Darkwa, Samuel Akwasi Frimpong (2017), A Review of Energy Demand Management Systems and Progress of Energy Supply and Demand Matching in Ghana, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 2017, (IJMET) volume 8
5 Samuel Blay Amo, Amevi Acakpovi, Nana Yaw Asabere, Ruhiya Abubakar and Robert Sowah (2018),High Gain 2.4 GHz Two-Way Direction Wi-Fi Antenna for Underground Mine-Tunnel, , IEEE, ICAST, International conference on Adaptive Science and Technology held on the 22nd to 24th of August 2018 at the University of Ghana
6 Patrick Acheampong, Li Zhiwen, Ruhiya Abubakar, Henry Asante Antwi, Michael Owusu Akomeah(2016) Stimulants of Online Shopping Behaviour among Chinese Millenials in China, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 5, ISSN: 2222-6990.
7 Patrick Acheampong, L Zhiwen, Ruhiya Abubakar, H Asante, MOA Antwi Determinants of Students Utilisation of Computer Information Retrieval System in Academic Libraries: Evidence from Ghana, International Journal of Academic Research in Psychology, 2016, 3 (1) .
8 Issah B. Majeed, Amevi Acakpovi, G. Eduful Mathias B. Michael, Ruhiya Abubakar (2019), migration from low to high voltage distribution system: an optimization of selected unit transformers using linear programming with Matlab, Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000,www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia
9 Amevi Acakpovi, Ruhiya Abubakar, Nana Yaw Asabere, Issah B. Majeed, (2019), Barriers and Prospects of Smart Grid Adoption in Ghana, Procedia Manufacturing 00 (201 9) 000–000, www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia
10 Nnamdi Nwulu; Amevi Acakpovi; Isaiah Tefutor; Kester Quist-Aphetsi; Nnamdi Nwulu; Robert Sowah; Ruhiya Abubakar (2019), Impact Analysis of Induced FM Radio Interferences on Aeronautical Radio Navigation Systems: Case Study of Kotoka International Airport, Accra-Ghana, 2019ICCMA International Conference on Coputing, Computational Modelling and Applications, IEEE)
11 A. Acakpovi, H. Mohammed, N. Nwulu, F. N. Fifatin, T. C. Nounangnonhou and Ruhiya Abubakar, (2019), Evaluation of Noise Effects on Power Line Communication in a Narrow and Wide Band Frequency Spectrum: A case study of Electricity Distribution Network of Ghana, 2019 ICCMA International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications, IEEE
12 Ruhiya Abubakar, Emmanuel K. Effah Samuel A. Frimpong; Amevi Acakpovi, Patrick Acheampong, Govind, R. Kadambi, Sharath K.M. Kumar (2019), (2019), Adoption of smart grid in Ghana using pattern recognition neural networks,2019 ICCMA International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications, IEEE)
13 Acheampong. Patrick, Kofi Baah Boamah, Nana Agyeman-Prempeh, Frank Boateng, Isaac Asare Bediako, Ruhiya Abubakar (2021) Trust and Continuance of Mobile Payment Use Intention: A Study Based on Structural Equation Modeling. IGI global publishers of timely knowledge, Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), IGI Global, vol. 34(1), pages 19-42, January
14 Solomon. Nsor-Anabiah, Ruhiya Abubakar, Ugonna Odunwa, Osman Yakubu (2021), Empirical Analysis of a Newly Developed mHealth Mobile Text Messaging System (MTMS) as a Tool for Healthcare Cost Reduction in Selected Rural Areas of Ghana. International journal of advanced research and development, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, www.IJARnD.com.
15 Ruhiya Abubakar, et al. (2022), Towards Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries: A Qualitative Model for Understanding Drivers of Domestic Energy Demand and Supply, Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol.7 No.10 (October, 2022), International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 0974-5823 Vol. 7 No. 10 .
16 Frimpong Akwasi Frimpong, Ruhiya Abubakar et al. (2022). Innovative IoT-Based Wristlet for Early COVID-19 Detection and Monitoring Among Students. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
17 Ocloo, Emmanuel K., Abubakar, Ruhiya. and Kumar, G.D., (2021), Assessment of challenges with borrowing and underlying effects of MSMEs in Kaneshie, Greater Accra Region of Ghana. In 2021 International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications (ICCMA) (pp. 84-91). IEEE.
18 Acakpovi, Acakpovi, Michael Blay, Ruhiya Abubakar et al. 2(018), Critical success factors (CSFs) of MIDA compact I road transport project in Ghana. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (pp. 1525-1537).
Qualifications (Education)
DATE DEGREE/QUALIFICATION INSTITUTION MAY 2015- JUNE 2020 Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology MS, Ramaiah University of applied Sciences, Bangalore, India May 2012- May 2013 M.Sc. Microelectronics and Wireless Systems Coventry University UK/ Ghana Technology University College September 06– May 10 B.Sc. Telecommunication Engineering Ghana Technology University College September 01 – Dec 04 (2002-2004) Electrical Engineering Technician 1, 2 & 3, Takoradi Polytechnic SSSCE 1996-1998 Navrongo Senior Secondary School. Navrongo -
Professional Training
TRAINING SmarttPLS, MatLab, Microsoft excel, Microsoft Word, Ms PowerPoint, programming -
Positions Held/Served
DATE POSITION HELD January 2022-April 2023 Dean, Faculty of Engineering, GCTU April 2023 Till Date Head of Department, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, GCTU January 2019- Till Date Thesis Supervision and Lecturer for Graduate Programmes May 2020- January 2022. Programme Manager (HoD) for Oil and Gas Related Graduate Programmes, (Coventry University, UK), September 2011- 2012 Administrative Assistant/ Academic Support, Ghana Technology University College Student/Lecturer Coordinator • Prepare class attendance for both students and lecturers
• Collect submitted assignments and dispatch to lecturers
• Prepare marked scripts for subject and program assessment by Coventry University
• Coordinator for master’s programme in telecommunications engineering.ASSOCIATIONS/AFFILIATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS P-LEARN Center for Industrial Research and Innovations, Consortium (Vice Chairperson) Faculty Policy Review Committee, Member Academic Partnership Agreement Review Committee, Member University Policy Review Committee, Member Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology, Reviewer, Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Reviewer for International Journal for Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Member of IEEE Faculty Representative of Statutory Committee on Research, Grant and Consultancy -
Areas of Expertise/Research
1. Renewable Energy and Waste Management
2. Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management
3. Wireless Systems
4. Artificial Intelligence -
CONFERENCES/SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS ATTENDED The second international conference for sustainable material processing and material processing and manufacturing. South Africa, 2019 ICCMA, International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications, 2019, Ghana IEEE 7th International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST), 2018, France and Ghana International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology - (ICSTE-22), science society, Edinburgh UK. 2022 Coventry University – Learning and Development: Topic: Avoiding Plagiarism through Assessment Design Venue: Ghana Technology University College, 3 August, 2011. -
GRANTS/FUNDS WON FOR INSTITUTION WITH DATES: Proposal for Mobile Phone Repairs and Maintenance Training for Female Students from GIZ (2018)
Development of the Maiden: Robot Named Royal D’ Robo was unveiled on the JUNE 23RD 2023 Robot In GCTU.