Invitation to SEO Webinar For Staff & Students   |   03 APR   |   5:00 pm   |   Virtual


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Students requiring an attestation letter or introductory letter for purposes other than those relating to residence permits, will need to make an application to the Office of the Registrar through the Student Services Office. The application should state the following:

    • The purpose of the introductory letter
    • Index Number
    • Level
    • Programme
    • Full name

    You are also required to attach the following documents:

    • Payment receipt
    • Photocopy of their ID card (front and back)

  • Once certificates are issued, names cannot be changed. Students are encouraged to check with the Exams and Records unit to ensure the correct spelling and arrangement of their names before the completion of their programme

  • Yes you can. You will need to produce legal documentation to the Exams and Records Office as proof of change of name.

  • Yes you can, however, GCTU will only use the name in the admission records.

  • Where your name has been spelt incorrectly, contact the Admissions Office as soon as possible where one of the Officers will be able to assist you to address this issue.

  • Admissions Office where an Admissions Officer would assist appropriately, if the change is permitted. Student should provided valid student Identification in this process. In the absence of the valid student ID, students can use their admission letters.

  • You will need to pay for a new one at the Accounts Office. Receipt of payment should be presented to the Directorate of Information Communication Technology Officer who will assist you to have your card replaced.

  • Once you have successfully registered at GCTU, taken part in the matriculation process and undertaken your medical examination, you will be issued with your ID card. Failure to take part in any of the stated processes will cause a delay in the issuance of the ID card, and in some cases penalties incurred.

  • Students who would like fees to be paid directly into the school’s bank accounts are required to contact the Accounts Office who would guide you through the process

  • Unfortunately GCTU has no control over the currency exchange rates. This therefore means that students will have to pay according to the rate on that given day.