Associate Professor and Head of Department, Marketing
Prof. Emelia Amoako Asiedu is an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Marketing at the Ghana Communication Technology University. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration and policy Management, a Master of Philosophy in Public Administration as well as a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Ghana. She obtained her bachelors degree in Management studies and a diploma in Education from the University of Cape Coast;
She also holds a post graduate certificate in Occupational Safety Health and Environment from GIMPA as well as a post graduate diploma in Organization Development from the University of Cape Coast. She also holds a certificate in Managing Change and Organisational Transitions from the Maastricht School of Management as well as a certificate in Disaster management from the United States Telecommunications Institute. She is recently completed a Professional Masters in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
She worked with Ghana Telecommunication company and Vodafone for fifteen years, serving in various capacities such as in the Human Resource Management department. Prof. Amoako Asiedu has a demonstrated history of working in the human resources industry. She is skilled in Coaching, Team Building, Strategic Planning, Organization development, and Business Strategy.
Before joining Ghana Communication Technology University, she was a Senior lecturer and Head of the Department Human Resources and Marketing at the Business school of the Wisconsin International University College, Ghana, where she won the best teacher award in 2014.
She worked as the Head of the Department of General studies at the newly established University of Environment and Sustainable Development in the year 2020 to 202I where she spearheaded the development of university required courses relevant for all programmes and the donation of computers for setting up of the computer laboratory for students.
She currently lectures at the Business school of Ghana Communication Technology University where she heads the department of Marketing. At GCTU she has served on various boards and committees and recently she led her team to develop five (5) cutting edge programmes in Digital marketing from Undergraduate to PhD levels.
Her research area is in Public sector Performance management, Leadership and employee Engagement, Public Policy Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Gender issues and most recently collaborating in research in entrepreneurship and sustainability. She has made several presentations of her work in these research areas in peer reviewed conference at both local and international levels. She is a member of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA), International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).
Prof. Emelia Amoako Asiedu has over 20 years’ experience in training and facilitation skills. She has Prepared course modules and training manuals for executives in top organisations locally and internationally.
Aside lecturing and facilitating in the university, Dr Amoako Asiedu is a reviewer for distinguished journals in Emerald, Sage and other top publishers. -
No. PUBLICATION 1 Ohemeng, F., & Asiedu, E. A. (2016). Changing the dynamics of human resources management in the public services of Ghana: an organizational learning perspective. Ghana Social Science Journal, 13(2), 232-62. 2 Ohemeng, F. L., Amoako-Asiedu, E., & Obuobisa Darko, T. (2018). The relationship between leadership style and employee performance: An exploratory study of the Ghanaian public service. International Journal of Public Leadership, 14(4), 274-296. 3 Ohemeng, F. L., Darko, T. O., & Amoako-Asiedu, E. (2019). Bureaucratic leadership, trust building, and employee engagement in the public sector in Ghana. International Journal of Public Leadership. 4 Ohemeng, F. L. K., Amoako Asiedu, E., & Obuobisa-Darko, T. (2018). Giving sense and changing perceptions in the implementation of the performance management system in public sector organisations in developing countries. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31(3), 372-392. 5 Ohemeng, F. L., Amoako‐Asiedu, E., & Obuobisa‐Darko, T. (2018). The impact of employee perception on the successful institutionalisation and implementation of performance management systems in developing countries: The perspective from Ghana's public service. Public Administration and Development, 38(2), 75-86. 6 Amoako-Asiedu, E., & Obuobisa-Darko, T. (2017). Leadership, Employee Engagement and Employee Performance in the Public Sector of Ghana. Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 5(2), 27-34. 7 Amoako-Asiedu, E. (2015). Perception of performance management and rewards in selected public sector organisations in Ghana: a test of the systems theory. Journal of Business Research, 9(1), 56-62. 8 Ohemeng, F. L., Obuobisa Darko, T., & Amoako‐Asiedu, E. (2019) Employee engagement and task performance in state‐owned enterprises in developing countries: The case study of the power sector in Ghana. Journal of Public Affairs, e2021. 9 Kugbey, N., Amoah, A., Dotse, S,. Amoako-Asiedu, E., Delalorm, C., & Nyarko-Sampson, E. (2021). "The angel within the devil": COVID-19 silver linings. Pan African Medical Journal. 40:251. [doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.40.251.32345] 10 Obuobisa-Darko, T., Ohemeng, F., Asiedu, E. A., & Parku, K. (2022). Promoting Organisational Fairness in the Era of COVID-19 in the Public Service: The Need for Responsible Leadership. In Responsible Management of Shifts in Work Modes–Values for a Post Pandemic Future, Volume 1 (pp. 77-93). Emerald Publishing Limited. 11 Ohemeng, F., Parku, K., Asiedu, E. A., & Obuobisa-Darko, T. The Changing Face of Policy Development in a Democratic Developmental State: The Role of Think Tanks and Policy Advocacy in Ghana. 12 Ohemeng, F., Asiedu, E. A., Obuobisa‐Darko, T., Abane, J. A., & Parku, K. (2022). The perception of employees on performance‐based budgeting reforms in developing countries: The perspective from Ghana. Public Budgeting & Finance, 42(4), 74-92. 13 Asiedu, E. A. (2022). Behavioural factors influencing the institutionalisation of performance management in the Ghanaian public sector. International Journal of Management Development, 2(3), 185-206. 14 Obuobisa-Darko, T., Asiedu, E.A., Ohemeng, F., Parku, K., (2023). Managing Employee Engagement in Crisis Situations in Developing Countries: The Case for Responsible Leadership in the Public Sector in Ghana. Public Organization Review). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11115-023-00733-1 15 Asiedu, E.A., Obuobisa-Darko, T., Ohemeng, F., Parku, K., (2023) The Persistence of Organizational Performance Problems the Public Services in Ghana: The Perspective of Societal Culture (Accepted 5th July 2023) forthcoming 16 Amoako Asiedu, E. (2023). Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering Women and Girls through Gender Responsive Budgeting in Ghana. Journal of Business, Management, and Social Studies, 3(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://jbms.site/index.php/JBMS/article/view/51 17 Parku, K., Obuobisa-Darko, T., & Amoako Asiedu, E. (2023). Psychological Contract Breach, Stress and Employee Engagement During and After COVID-19: The Role of Inclusive Leadership. Journal of Business, Management, and Social Studies, 2(4), 175–194. Retrieved from https://jbms.site/index.php/JBMS/article/view/49 18 Asiedu, E. A., Appiagyei, J. N., Amfo-Otu, R., Parku, K., & Obuobisa-Darko, T. (2023). Occupational health and safety, cost reduction in accident and employee task performance: perspectives of selected service organizations. Journal of Public Health, 1-12. 19 Asare-Nuamah, P., Sedegah, D. D., Anane-Aboagye, M., Asiedu, E. A., & Akolaa, R. A. (2024). Enhancing rural Ghanaian women’s economic empowerment: the cassava dough enterprise. Development in Practice, 34(1), 97-114. 20 Amoako, G. K., Sedalo, G., Asiedu, E. A., & Oppong Appiagyei Ampong, G. (2024). Conceptual Framework–Sustainability Actions, Global Crises and Justice in the Future of Tourism and Hospitality. Journal of Tropical Futures, 27538931231221718. 21 Amoako-Asiedu, E., Otuo, P. N., Obuobisa-Darko, T., & Antwi-Agyei, A. (2024). Stakeholder Legitimacy Perceptions and Firm Innovation: A developing country perspective. In Stakeholder Management and Entrepreneurship in Africa (pp. 49-60). Routledge. 22 Amoako-Asiedu, E & Otuo, P. (2012) Sustaining Higher Education Funding in Ghana, The issue of Public- Private Partnerships, Wisconsin Journal. 23 Amoako-Asiedu, E., Ameyaw Domfeh, K. (2016) The Challenges of Central Government Fiscal and Financial Policies on Local Government Programmes in Ghana, I JAAS. www.iiste.org 24 Amoako-Asiedu, E. (2016) Environmental Degradation and Poverty Nexus: A Literature Summary. Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org. Vol 6, No 10 25 Industrial Relations and Trade Unions (2014) ISBN:978-9988-18711-8 26 Occupational Health and Safety Management (2016) ISBN: 978-9988-2-4160-5 27 Principles of Management made Easy (2016) ISBN: 978-9988-2-2364-9 -
Qualifications (Education)
Professional Training
Positions Held/Served
Areas of Expertise/Research
Public sector Performance Management
Leadership and employee Engagement Public Policy Management Occupational Health and Safety Management -
IPSA (MONTREAL), 2014 - The Institutionalization of ‘Tripartism’ as a Public Policymaking Mechanism in Ghana: The Perspective of Policy Concertation Theory (2014) IPSA ICMED (UPSA, GH) 2014 - Perception of Performance Management and Rewards in selected Public Sector Organisations in Ghana: A Test of the Systems Theory UGBSC (UG, GH) 2016 - Leadership, Employee Engagement and Employee Performance in the Public Sector of Ghana IRSPM (HONG KONG) 2016 – Employee Perceptions of Leadership and Performance Management and the Impact on Performance in the Ghanaian Public Service IRSPM (BUDAPEST) 2017 - Institutionalisation of Performance management in the Public sector of Ghana IRSPM (EDINGBURGH) 2018 - The Impact of Employee Engagement on Task Performance in Developing Countries: An Examination of the State-Owned Enterprises in the Energy Sector in Ghana. 10 April, 2018 Bsg.ox.ac.uk (GIMPA) 2018 - The Current State of Performance-Based Budgeting and Its Impact on Public Budgeting in Ghana: Views from Budget Officers on Public Financial Management in Africa, Presented at the Ghana Institute for Management and Public Administration, Accra, Ghana, October 22-24, 2018 IPPA (MONTREAL), 2019 - The Changing Face of Policy Development in a Democratic Developmental State: The Role of Think Tanks and Policy Advocacy in Ghana, 25- 27 June 2019 IRSPM (BRAZIL) 2021 - Behavioural Factors Influencing the Institutionalization of Performance Management in the Ghanaian Public Sector, 21 April, 2021 IRSPM (BRAZIL) 2022`-`Professionalism in a Collectivist Culture: The Role of Transformative Leadership in Promoting Professionalism in the Ghanaian Public Service , 19 April, 2022 IPPA (TORONTO), 2023 - Traditional Leaders as Policy Brokers and the Promotion of Good Governance and Development in Africa: An Examination of the Ghanaian Case, 27 – 29 June, 2023 -