• Profile

    Michael Owusu Tabiri holds a Ph.D. in Language Sciences with a specialization in Sociolinguistics and Language Didactics from the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny de Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Education, Winneba, in the Department of Applied Linguistics. He attended Sunyani Secondary School and proceeded to Mount Mary Training College at Somanya where he was trained as a French and English teacher.

    He holds an Honours degree (French Major) from the University of Cape Coast where he read Religion and English up to levels 200 and 300, respectively. Additionally, he obtained a Master of Philosophy degree in French Language/Linguistics from the University of Ghana, Legon. Michael Owusu Tabiri also holds a Master of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language from the University of Education, Winneba.

    He holds a Diploma in Ministry Studies from Victory International School of Ministry, a Diploma in Missions and Community Development from the Living Word School of Ministry, CUC-Ghana and Diploma in French Proficiency (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française-DELF B2- Village du Bénin, Togo/France). His research interests include Language Sciences, Language Technology, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language Didactics, Second/Third Language teaching, Critical Discourse Analysis, Contrastive Linguistics and Error Analysis.

    Michael has authored 22 peer-reviewed journal articles, a book, two book chapters, and 32 publications in national dailies. He is also an editor, reviewer, and proofreader. He teaches French at the Undergraduate level and English Proficiency at the Language Centre where he serves as the coordinator. Michael serves as the University Chaplain.

    Dr Michael Owusu Tabiri has attended conferences and seminars, presenting papers in Ghana, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, Hungary, the United Kingdom and Turkey.

  • Publications

    1 Fenyi, D.A., Kongo, A.E., Tabiri, M.O., Jones-Mensah, I.(2023). English speaking anxiety among English-major tertiary students in Ghana, International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 12(3), pp. 1716–1726
    2 Tabiri M.O., Jones-Mensah I, Kongo A.E., Budu, G. (2022). Difficulties in Identifying the English Determiner System Among EFL students in Ghana: The Case of Francophone Students, Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2022, 256-264.
    3 Tabiri, M.O., Jones-Mensah, I., Fenyi, D.A., & Asunka, S. (2022). Challenges of online learning of English/French language in higher education in Ghana. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 18(1), 207-222. Doi: 10.52462/jlls.176.
    4 Jones- Mensah, I., Tabiri, M.O., Fenyi, D.A., Kongo, A.E. & Amexo, D. (2022). Vocabulary Knowledge of Collocation in Business Texts: A Case of ESL Tertiary Students. Available online at globets.org/journal International Journal of Education, Technology and Science. 2(1) 001–023.
    5 Tabiri, M.O. (2022). Utilisation des TIC dans l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère au Ghana. Collection FLE/FLA (Français langue étrangère/le français et les langues en Afrique) (VOL.3 No 6, Septembre 2022 ISBN 978-2-493659-14-9).
    6 Tabiri, M.O. (2022). Les problèmes liés à l'utilisation des TIC dans l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère au Ghana - No 10 Vol.4, De la Revue DELLA/Afrique
    7 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). L’enseignement/ apprentissage en ligne du français langue étrangère au Ghana : quels avantages d’un recours au numérique ? Akofena Numéro 4, Vol.3 pp. 195-200.
    8 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). Francophone students’ errors in Reading and Comprehension Examination, in Teaching English to Francophone Learners in Africa: Issues in Language Skills Development, Dagasso, E., Kouamé, K. & Siéwoué, M.D. (editors). Cheik Anta Diop Publishing, Douala Cameroon.
    9 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). Francophone Students’ Errors in Translation. in Teaching English to Francophone Learners in Africa: Issues in Language Skills Development, Dagasso, E., Kouamé, K. & Siéwoué, M.D. (editors). Cheik Anta Diop Publishing, Douala Cameroon.
    10 Tabiri, M.O., & Jones-Mensah, I. (2021). Fossilization among university students - A concern of SLA in Ghana, Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary: Diamond Scientific Publishing, 115-128.
    11 Fenyi, K., Jones-Mensah, I., Tabiri, M.O., & Owusu, E. (2021). Teaching Listening Skills in Senior High Schools in Ghana-Issues and Directions, JEE(Journal of English Education) Vol. 7 No. 1 P-ISSN: 2459-9719, E-ISSN 2597-7091 DOL: https://doi.org/10.30606/jee
    12 Tabiri, M.O., & Jones-Mensah, I. (2020). Analyzing the use of subjunctive mood among university students in Ghana, 6th International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2020, Turkey (Publication in Conference Proceedings), ISBN: 978-605-82371-5-5
    13 Jones-Mensah, I. & Tabiri, M.O. (2020). Review of Literature on Coherence and Cohesion in Text Quality among ESL Students, 6th International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2020, Turkey (Publication in Conference Proceedings), ISBN: 978-605-82371-5-5
    14 Tabiri, M.O. (2019). Same-sex marriage: secular and religious views. Journal of Educational System, 3 (1), 2019, pp 04-10
    15 Tabiri, M.O. (2018). Empowering the Ghanaian Youth for Accelerated Development, International Journal of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2018, Page 57-66, ISSN: 2637-3505.
    16 Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Language transfer: The case of teleconferencing teaching/learning in English Language at the Ghana Technology University College, International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research, European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, ISSN 2053-6305(Print), ISSN 2053-6313(online), Vol.5, No. 4, pp. 30-41
    17 Tabiri, M.O., and Budu, G. (2017). Difficulties Francophone learners go through in Ghana: The Case of Ghana Technology University College, International Research in Education, Macrothink Institute, ISSN 2327-5499, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 72-85
    18 Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Déviations des médias sociaux chez les étudiants universitaires au Ghana. Revue Traduction et Langues 16 (1), 84-97.
    19 Tabiri, M.O. (2016) Teaching Reported Speech through Communicative Language Teaching and Principled Eclecticism approaches: the Case of Ghana Technology University College, International Journal of English Language Teaching, European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, ISSN 2055-0820(Print), ISSN 2055-0839(Online)Vol. 4, No.10, pp.71-81.
    20 Tabiri, M.O. (2016), Teaching Francophone learners English Vocabulary without Resorting to the Use of L1 and L2, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Science Direct, Elsevier, Volume/Issue: 232, pp.591-599.
    21 Tabiri, M.O. (2015), Perennial problem of floods in Accra: What is the way forward? International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 3, ISSN: 2394-2975(Online), 2394-6814(Print)
    22 Tabiri, M.O. (2015), Teleconferencing Teaching and Learning in English: The Case of Staff and Faculty of Ecole Polytechnique d’Abomey, Calavi- Benin, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development Vol. 4, Issue 12, ISSN: 2278-0211.
    a. Tabiri, M.O. (2023). Les TIC dans l'enseignement-apprentissage du français au Ghana: les problèmes théoriques et méthodologiques (The Use of ICT in the teaching and learning of French in Ghana: Theoretical and Methodological Problems). PhD Thesis in Language Sciences, Cocody: Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire.
    b. Tabiri, M.O. (2019). Deviations in the use of English among university students: The Case Study of Pentecost University College and Regent University College of Science and Technology, Accra. Master of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language (M.Ed. TESL Thesis), University of Education, Winneba.
    c. Tabiri, M.O. (2012). Impact du Twi et de l’anglais sur l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère au Ghana : Le cas des apprenants de Prempeh College, d’Opoku Ware SHS et de PRESEC-Legon. M.Phil. Thesis, Accra: University of Ghana, Legon.
    d. Tabiri, M.O. (2007). L’étude de la langue dans Abboki ou l`appel de la côte de Halilou Sabbo Mahamadou. BA Thesis, Cape Coast: University of Cape Coast.
    e. Tabiri, M.O. (1999) Le problème de l’exode rural dans Abboki ou l`appel de la côte de Halilou Sabbo Mahamadou. Teacher’s Certificate ‘A’ Long Essay/Project, Somanya : Mount Mary Training College.
    No. BOOKS
    1 Tabiri, M.O. (2012). Simplified French for Beginners and Senior High Schools, Osavanna Publications, Accra
    2 Tabiri, M.O. (2001). French Made Easy for JSS and Early SSS Students, Jimtex Printing Press, Sunyani.
    1 Tabiri, M.O. (2024). Ghana Communication Technology University's State-of-the-Art Sports Complex: A Testament to Holistic Student Development. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1295691/ghana-communication-technology-universitys-state.html
    2 Tabiri, M.O. (2024). Putting on red on the pretext of observing love celebration: Valentine. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1292723/putting-on-red-on-the-pretext-of-observing-love.html
    3 Tabiri, M.O. (2023). Ghana Communication Technology University is promoting nation-building activities: Let’s phase out Valentine’s Day Celebration! Modern Ghana Publications. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1211319/ghana-communication-technology-university-is-promo.html
    4 Tabiri, M.O. (2023). Let's celebrate Honourable Reverend John Ntim Fordjour, Deputy Minister for Education, Modern Ghana Publications. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1233558/lets-celebrate-honourable-reverend-john-ntim-ford.html
    5 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). LGBTIQA+ in Ghana: What is the Way Forward? Modern Ghana Publications. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1109819/lgbtiqa-in-ghana-what-is-the-way-forward.html
    6 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). Political deviations: What is the way forward? Modern Ghana Publications. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1093661/political-deviations-what-is-the-way-forward.html
    7 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). False or Fabulous/Genuine Prophets? Modern Ghana Publications. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1092898/false-or-fabulousgenuine-prophets.html
    8 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). Fixing or flawing the country? Modern Ghana Publications. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1092485/fixing-or-flawing-the-country.html
    9 Tabiri, M.O. (2021). Sharing scrupulous or unscrupulous messages? Modern Ghana Publications. Available Online: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1091622/sharing-scrupulous-or-unscrupulous-messages.html
    10 Tabiri, M.O. (2020). Can we still “church’ with suspension? Daily Graphic, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra.
    11 Tabiri, M.O. (2020). Entrenching distance learning in Ghana, Daily Graphic, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra. (26-03-2020) Available online
    12 Tabiri, M.O. (2020). Decision to stop CSE commendable, Daily Graphic, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra, (02-01-2020) Available online.
    13 Tabiri, M.O. (2019). Preventing probable problems of double track-system in Ghana, Daily Graphic, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra.
    14 Tabiri, M.O. (2019). Resentment or resolution? Daily Graphic, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra.
    15 Tabiri, M.O. (2018) Celebrating our living legends/leaders, phasing out posthumous observances, Daily Graphic, Wednesday, December 12, 2018, page 07, No.20862, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra (Available online).
    16 Tabiri, M.O. (2018) Exposing or eradicating corruption? The role of investigative journalism in Africa (2018) Daily Graphic. (Available online)
    17 Tabiri, M.O. (2018) Independence or idealism? (2018) Daily Graphic
    18 Tabiri, M.O. (2018) Promoting prosperity or poverty? (2018) Daily Graphic
    19 Tabiri, M.O. (2018) Marital deviations: what is the way forward? (2018), Daily Graphic
    20 Tabiri, M.O. (2018): Political deviations in Africa: what is the way forward? Thursday, March 15, 2018, Daily Graphic, Page 10
    21 Tabiri, M.O. (2018): Academic deviations in Ghana: what is the way forward? , Saturday, February 17, 2018,Daily Graphic, Page 08.
    22 Tabiri, M.O. (2017): Christian deviations in Ghana: what is the way forward? , Tuesday, December 19, 2017, Daily Graphic, page 10. (Available online)
    23 Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Celebrating or criticising? Daily Graphic, Wednesday, October 4, 2017, page 26, No. 20500, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra.
    24 Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Eradicating lynching from Ghana, Daily Graphic, Wednesday, June 13, 2017, page 07, No. 20400, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra. (Available online)
    25 Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Let’s listen instead of scoffing, Daily Graphic, Tuesday, May 2, 2017, page 59, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra. Available online
    26 Tabiri, M.O., (2017) The 7 Is – gateway to accelerated development after the 60thIndependence Day celebration, Daily Graphic, Wednesday, March 8, 2017, page 07, No. 20321, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra.
    27 Tabiri, M.O., (2017) Love or lust? Daily Graphic, Wednesday, February 22, 2017, page 41, No. 20309, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd, Accra.
    28 Tabiri, M.O. (2016) Philanthropists or politicians? Daily Graphic, Monday, November 28, 2016, page 33, No. 20240, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd., Accra. Available online.
    29 Tabiri, M.O. (2016): The 7Cs – Panacea for leadership problems, Daily Graphic, Friday, September 16, 2016, page 10, No. 20178, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd Accra.
    30 Tabiri, M.O. (2016) Pragmatics approaches to perennial floods in Ghana, Daily Graphic, Monday, June 6, 2016, page 61, No. 20090, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd.,Accra .
    31 Tabiri, M.O. (2016) Tribute to Apostle Samuel A.P. Saakwa (1934-2016) - A Soldier-cum-Apostle of Christ par excellence, Daily Graphic, Saturday, May 7, 2016, page 8, No. 20065, ISSN: 0855-1529, Graphic Communications Group Ltd.,Accra.
    32 Tabiri, M.O. (2015), The Legacies of Bishop Paul Owusu Tabiri (Founder of Bethel Prayer Ministry Int.), Daily Guide, Ghana 4th June 2015, page 4. Available online.

  • Qualifications (Education)

    Ph.D in Language Sciences Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny de Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire
    Master of Philosophy in French Language/Linguistics University of Ghana, Legon
    Master of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language University of Education, Winneba,
    Diploma in French Proficiency (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française-DELF B2- Village du Bénin Togo/France

  • Professional Training

    Teacher’s Certificate ‘A’- Mount Mary Training College, Somanya.
    Diploma in Ministry Studies from Victory International School of Ministry .
    Diploma in Missions and Community Development from the Living Word School of Ministry, CUC-Ghana

  • Positions Held/Served

    Coordinator-GCTU Language Centre, Acting Head-Department of General Studies, University Chaplain, Reverend Minister (Bethel Prayer Ministry International), Editor, Reviewer and Proofreader, BETSA National President, Evangelism President (GHAFES-UCC), Schools and Villages Visitation Secretary (GHAFES-UCC), Vice President (Scripture Union, Sunyani Secondary School).

  • Areas of Expertise/Research

    Language Sciences, Language Technology, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language Didactics, Second/Third Language teaching, Critical Discourse Analysis, Contrastive Linguistics and Error Analysis.

  • Conference/Seminars/Workshops

    Tabiri, M.O. (2022). Learning Languages Online in Higher Education in Ghana during COVID-19 pandemic, Keynote Speaker, 6th International Conference on Education, Technology and Science, GLOBETS 2022, Cyprus, 3-6 April 2022.
    Tabiri, M.O. (2022). The use of the English determiner system among Francophone students in Ghana: A study of three public universities, Inter-University Conference for Doctoral Studies at the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. (January 2022).
    Tabiri, M.O., & Jones-Mensah, I. (2021). Fossilization among university students - A concern of SLA in Ghana, The 2nd World Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.
    Tabiri, M.O., Jones- Mensah, I., Fenyi, D.A. & Kongo, A.E. (2021). "Identification of the English determiner system among EFL students in Ghana: The Case of Francophone students" 7th International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2021, Turkey, November 4‐6, 2021 in Antalya, Turkey.
    Jones- Mensah, I., Tabiri, M.O., Fenyi, D.A., & Kongo, A.E .(2021). "Vocabulary knowledge in collocation in business text: A Case of ESL tertiary students”, 5th International Conference on Education, Technology and Science, GLOBETS 2021 Conference, November 4‐6, 2021, Antalya, Turkey.
    Kongo, A.E., Jones- Mensah, I., Tabiri, M.O., & Fenyi, D.A. (2021). "Morphemic patterns of pharmaceutical brand names on Ghanaian markets", 7th International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2021, Turkey, November 4‐6, 2021 Antalya, Turkey.
    Tabiri, M.O., & Jones-Mensah, I. (2020). Analyzing the use of subjunctive mood among university students in Ghana, 6th International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2020, Turkey.
    Tabiri, M.O., & Jones-Mensah, I. (2020). Review of Literature on Coherence and Cohesion in Text Quality among ESL Students, 6th International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2020, Turkey.
    Tabiri, M.O. & Ofori, P.P. (2019). “The use of emojis among university students on social media platforms”, 2nd International Conference on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ICETE 2019), organised by Ghana Technology University College in collaboration.
    Tabiri, M.O (2019). "Assessing social media deviations among university students in Ghana" 2019 ICCMA International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications.
    Tabiri, M.O. (2019). Analysing Francophone students’ errors in Reading and Comprehension Examination, AICSSH, Cambridge, Shortlisted abstract published online.
    Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Online teaching and learning in French (L3): The case of Ghana Technology University College, International Conference on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship, organised by Ghana Technology University College in collaboration with Coventry University, United Kingdom, June 13 -14, 2017.
    Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Empowering the Ghanaian youth for accelerated development, International Conference on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship, organised by Ghana Technology University College in collaboration with Coventry University, United Kingdom, June 13 -14, 2017.
    Tabiri, M.O. (2016). Teaching Francophone learners English Vocabulary without Resorting to the Use of L1 and L2., International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2016, Antalya, Turkey.
    Tabiri, M.O. (2016). Language transfer: The case of teleconferencing teaching/learning at the Ghana Technology University College International Conference on “MOOCs, Informal Language Learning, and Mobility”, The Department of Languages at The Open University (UK).
    January 2024, Grant Writing Seminar, Organized by Directorate for Research, Innovation and Consultancy, Ghana Communication Technology University.
    May 2023, Qualitative Research Publication, Organized by Directorate for Research, Innovation and Consultancy, Ghana Communication Technology University.
    June- July 26, 2021, Research Writing in the Social Sciences (2021), AuthorAID and INASP, UK.
    May-June 2021 International Research Workshop (Research Capacity Building Virtual Workshop) for Researchers, Faculty and Staff Members, Organized by Ghana Communication Technology University.
    2019 University of Education, Winneba, Graduate School and GRASAG- PhD students’ Seminar on The Arts and Skills of Public Speaking and Presentation.
    2016 Faculty Development Seminar, Ghana Technology University College
    2015 Continuous Professional Development Workshop on Effective Teaching and Assessment, Ghana Technology University College (17th- 18th August 2015)
    2014 Online Teaching/Learning, Ghana Technology University College, Accra
    2013 Le stage de formation pour enseignants de français langue étrangère au niveau lycée, au CREF, Accra du 8 au 12 juillet 2013.
    2011 Training Workshop on “Thesis Writing” organized by the School of Graduate Studies, University of Ghana, Legon
    2010 Training Workshop on “Planning and Managing Graduate Research” organized by The School of Graduate Studies, University of Ghana, Legon (20th -21st May 2010)
    2010 Springboard 2010 Road show Conference on Investment, Planning, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Excellence
    2008 Le stage de formation continue des professeurs de français de la Greater Accra Region sur la Réforme de l’Éducation Nationale 2007, au CREF, Accra du 26 au 28 juin 2008.
    Tabiri, M.O. (2018) Language transfer: the case of teleconferencing teaching/learning in English language at the Ghana Technology University College (28-03-2018).
    Tabiri, M.O. (2017). Teaching Francophone learners English Vocabulary without Resorting to the Use of L1 and L2, Faculty of Informatics, Ghana Technology University College, Tesano campus- Accra (01-03-2017)
    Tabiri, M.O. (2015), Teleconferencing Teaching and Learning in English: The Case of Staff and Faculty of Ecole Polytechnique d’Abomey, Calavi- Benin, (27-10-2015)

  • Honours/Awards

    A recipient of several Certificates of Excellence for reviewing manuscripts/papers.
    An expert reviewer with AEIC.
    Selected by the University of Ghana, Legon and UN to participate in the 48th UN Graduate Study Programme in Geneva, Switzerland (July 2010).
    Nominated for Faculty of Informatics Excellence Award, 2015, Ghana Technology University College.
    Excellence Award of Bethel Prayer Ministry International in 2003