Deputy Registrar and Head, PR and Communications, UR
Mr. Francis Edjah is a Communications Expert and the Deputy Registrar for the Department of Public Relations and Communication, Directorate of University Relations of Ghana Communication Technology University (GCTU). He is also the Information Officer of the University. Prior to his current position, he was the Head of the then Graduate School, Kumasi Learning Centre from April 2012 and the Faculty Officer for the Business School, Abeka Campus of GCTU from October 2022.
He holds a master’s degree and postgraduate Diploma qualifications in Communication Studies obtained from the University of Ghana, Legon in 2004 and 2003 respectively. He also obtained his Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Education qualifications from the University of Cape Coast in 1995. Mr. Edjah has a wealth of experience in administrative and academic management in higher institutions of learning (both private and public).
He has served on a number of statutory boards/committees and ad hoc committees up to the university council level in capacities ranging from Secretary, Member to Chairman levels. He also has about seven (7) years’ experience in teaching courses in English Language, Communication Skills, Print Media, Communication Basics and Interpersonal Business Communication. -
No. PUBLICATION 1 i) Edjah, F. Awunyo-Vitor, D. and Oduro-Gyimah, F. K. (2024). Appraising Public Adherence to Government’s Policy on Covid-19 Safety Protocols in Selected Institutions of Higher Learning in Ghana. IJEASA, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEASA.2024.137217.
Qualifications (Education)
DATE DEGREE/QUALIFICATION INSTITUTION 2004 Master of Arts in Comm. Studies University of Ghana, Legon 2003 Postgraduate Diploma in Comm. Studies University of Ghana, Legon 1995 Bachelor of Arts (Religions and English) University of Cape Coast 1995 Diploma in Education University of Cape Coast -
Professional Training
Positions Held/Served
Chairman - Convocation Administrative Affairs Sub-Committee, Ghana Communication Technology University, March 2020 to date. Chairman - Ad Hoc Committee on Acquisition of Vodafone Property for a City Campus, October 2019. Chairman - Sub-Committee on Documentation/Publication/Publicity of the 3rd Congregation Planning Committee, Garden City Univ. College July, 2011. Chairman - Ad Hoc Committee on Examination Malpractices (First Semester, 2008/9 Academic Year, Garden City Univ. College, March, 2009. Member - Matriculation and Congregation Committee, GCTU, Tesano, Accra, August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2024. Member - Administration Committee, GCTU, Accra, August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2024. Member - Time-Table Committee, GCTU, Tesano, Accra, August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2024. Member - GCTU Students’ Handbook Ad hoc Committee, March 2023. Member - Admissions Sub-Committee, Kumasi Campus, Ghana Communication Technology University, December 16, 2020. Member - GAUA Welfare Committee, Ghana Communication Technology University, November 22, 2019 to October 2022. Member - GTUC/Coventry University Moderation Board, June 2012 to October 2022. Member - Management Team of GTUC, Kumasi Campus, Ahodwo, January, 2014 to October 2022. Member - Academic Disciplinary Team, GTUC, Kumasi Campus, Ahodwo, January 2014 to October 2022. Member - Marketing Team, GTUC, Kumasi, (January 2014 to October 2022). Member - Matriculation Planning Committee, GTUC, Kumasi (February 2014 to October 2022). Secretary - GCTU Standing Conference Committee, March 13, 2024 to date. Secretary - Team on Accreditation of Academic Programmes, Business School, GCTU, November 1, 2022 to date. Secretary - Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee, Business School, GCTU, November 1, 2022 to date. Secretary - Faculty Board, Business School, Abeka Campus, GCTU, November 1, 2022 to date. Secretary - General Faculty Assembly, Abeka Campus, GCTU, November 1, 2022 to date. Secretary - Team on Property/Maintenance/Beautification, GTUC, Kumasi Campus, February 15, 2019 to October 2022. Secretary - Ad Hoc Team on Revision of the Organogram, GTUC, Kumasi Campus, September, 2014. Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on Examination Malpractices, Garden City Univ. College. (First/Second Semester, 2009/10 Academic Year, July, 2010). Secretary - Committee on University Accreditation, Garden City University College, 2010 -12. Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on Examination Malpractices, Garden City Univ. College. (First/Second Semester, 2009/10 Academic Year, July, 2011). Secretary - Examinations Vetting Committee, Garden City Univ. College. (October, 2010). Secretary - Congregation Planning Committee, Garden City Univ. College, Kenyase, Kumasi (2009). Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on the Development of UCC’s Accounting Manual, UCC, 2007/8. Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on the Reconciliation of Students’ Records, UCC (2007). Secretary - Sub-Committee of the Estate Management Committee, UCC (2005). Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on Income Generation, UCC (2004-05). Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on Insurance, UCC (2002/2005). Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on the Payment of Honoraria, UCC (2000). Secretary - Ad Hoc Committee on the Operations of Fuel Stations on UCC Campus, Recorder - UCC (1999). Academic Board, GCUC, Kenyase-Kumasi, (Oct., 2008 to March, 2012). Recorder - University Council, GCUC, Kenyase-Kumasi, Oct., 2008 to Oct., 2009 -
Areas of Expertise/Research
Public Relations Management in Industrial Actions
Organizational Communication Health Crisis Management in higher education Student Satisfaction Online Student Evaluation of Teaching/Courses Communications English Language -
Participated in Weekly Workshops on Senior Administrative Members’ Promotion Criteria and Procedures held from May 2, 2023 online. Participated in a 2-Day Workshop on Duties/Responsibilities of Deans, Directors and Heads of Department held on April 18 & 19, 2023 at Eva Von Hirsch Conference Room. Participated in a One-Day Workshop on Business Process Analysis held on March 24, 2023 at the Entrepreneurship Hub, Business School, Abeka. Participated in a Five-Day GCTU Customer Experience Seminars held from February 6-10, 2023 online. Participated in Skills Audit and Job Analysis Workshop held on January 16 & 19, 2023 at the Forensic Laboratory of COLT, GCTU Campus, Tesano. Organized a Re-orientation Session for administrative staff of the Dean’s Secretariat on “Effective Management of the Business School Activities and the Way Forward,” held on December 12, 2022 at the Entrepreneurship Centre, Abeka Campus. Participated in a one-day workshop on Financial Procedures, Budgeting and Performance Appraisal, held on November 29, 2022 at the Eva Von Virch Conference Room, GCTU, Tesano, Accra. Participated in a one-day workshop on Quality Assurance Procedures held on November 22, 2022 at Block C4, GCTU, Tesano, Accra. Participated in the Third of Registrar’s Seminar Series "Effective Communication for Improving Personal and Organizational Culture", held at the Eva Von Hirsch Auditorium, Wednesday, 24th August, 2022 at 10:00 am. Participated in the Second of Registrar’s Seminar Series “The Missing Link: Workplace Ethics” by Mr. Yaw Ofori-Amanfo held at the Accra Campus, GCTU on August 2, 2022. Presentation on “Operations of the SGSR” held at the Kumasi Learning Centre, GCTU on July 4, 2022. Participated in the First of “Registrar’s Seminar Series” held at the Accra Campus, GCTU on June 23, 2022. Participated in a 2-Day Workshop on “Administrative Write-ups” held at Accra Campus, GCTU on February 21, 2022 and March 16, 2022. Participated in the 14th I-Texon Ghana Senior High Education Fair on 23rd and 24th July 2021 at the Kumasi Anglican Senior High School, Amakom, Kumasi on the theme.: “The Mop-Up: No Student is Left Behind.” Participated in a One-Day GCTU Online Workshop on “Management of GoG Payslip,” organized by Staff of Controller and Accountant General’s Department and held on August 2, 2021 via the Zoom Platform. Participated in a One-Day GCTU Online Workshop on “Appointments and Promotion Policies,” held on May 19, 2021 via the Zoom Platform. Participated in a One-Day GCTU Online Workshop on “Team-Building” held on August 12, 2020 via Zoom platform. Participated in a Two-Day Research Seminar on “Developing a Winning Grant Proposal” held on March 28 – 29, 2019 at the Graduate School, GTUC, Amanfrom, Kumasi. Gave a Talk on “Good Communication Skills for Church/Organizational Growth” at the 4th Biennial General Meeting of the Kumasi Circuit Lay Movement Council of the Methodist Church, Ghana held at Daban New Site Methodist Church on Saturday, February 23, 2019. Participated in a Two-Day Faculty Workshop on “Assessment Design and the Use of the Learning Platforms for Teaching and Learning Activities” held on November 15 – 16, 2018 at the Graduate School, GTUC, Amanfrom, Kumasi. Participated in a Two-Day Workshop on “Dynamic Team Building” from May 11 – 12, 2017 at the Amanfrom Campus, GTUC, Kumasi. Organized a Peer Review Training for Facilitators (Faculty) of the Kumasi Campus on March 16, 2017, GTUC, Ahodwo Campus, Kumasi. Participated in a One-day Training on ERP Management of Leave Application, Appraisal and Student Results Upload held at the Amanfrom Campus, GTUC, Kumasi, February 8, 2017. Participated in a One-day Conference on “Improving Turnaround Time on Moderation” held at the GTUC Accra Campus, Tesano, April 7, 2016. Participated in a One-day workshop “Assuring Quality at GTUC – The Role of Quality Conscious Leaders,” held at the Accra Campus, Tesano, Accra, March 17, 2016. Participated in a One-day workshop on ERP Management at GTUC, held at the Kumasi Campus on September 16, 2015. Participated in a One-day workshop on Sharing Best Practices at GTUC, held at the Kumasi Campus on September 11, 2015. Participated in a One-day Workshop on Promoting a Quality Culture at GTUC, held at GTUC, Accra on August 13, 2015. Participated in a One-day Workshop on Re-branding of GTUC, held at the Kumasi Campus from on June 16, 2015. Participated in a two-day Thesis Defense for the January 2014 Cohort of Students held at the GTUC, Kumasi Campus from February 13 – 14, 2015. Participated in a one-day Training Workshop on Thesis Clinic held on Monday, December 8, 2014 at the GTUC, Kumasi Campus. Participated in a two-day Thesis Defense for the September 2013 Cohort of Students held at the GTUC, Kumasi Campus from October 3 – 4, 2014. Participated in a one-day Training Workshop on Event Management held on Monday, May 25, 2014 at the GTUC, Kumasi Campus. Participated in a one-day Further Training Workshop on Enterprise Resource Planning held on March 13, 2014, GTUC, Kumasi Campus. Participated in a Two-Day Seminar on Quality Assurance held on January 22 – 23, 2014, GTUC, Kumasi Campus. Participated in a One-Day Training Workshop on Enterprise Resource Planning held on September 27, 2013, GTUC, Kumasi Campus. Organized a Two-Day Training Workshop for academic staff of the Garden City University College on July 25 and 26, 2011 on “Academic Professional and Research Writing.” Organized an In-service Training programme on Office Practices for Administrative, Accounting and Library Staff in the Senior and Junior Staff Category of the Garden City University College on November 6, 2008. Organized Seminars for Non-Teaching and Teaching Staff of the Garden City University College, Kumasi on September 10 and 17, 2008 respectively. -
University of Ghana/Carnegie Corporation of New York PhD Research Grant – January 2020